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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 8:36 PM (587 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I'm not sure if this exact implementation is the way to go, but one thing is certain. Characters definitely need more value.
Players need a firm reason to never consider simply killing their character and collecting their items from the corpse.
Due to the method of item spawning (which will be changed) some servers will seem to have too much and others too little. This is something the dev team are aware of and is one of the reasons you click "I understand" to the disclaimer at the beginning.
Pitch black times have been the most interesting and exhilarating for me. Just being forced to use the torch adds massive suspense to the game. Would be nice if torches didn't flash through walls though.
Can confirm, me and my Brother both died on the same ladder several times.
You can seem to get up the ladder once your legs are broken though
Can Confirm I've used 9 Tablets instantly by attempting to purify a single bottle.
This is happening on a regular basis.
I believe it is related to the WATER.
Dead bodies on land are acting as if they had died at Sea.
One corpse was swaying back and forth based on the sea noises.
In addition it also shines through ANY structure in the game. Exactly as shown in that screen shot