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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 8:55 AM (582 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Vnq added a comment to T86813: Stuck "inside" building.
Nope.. trust me tried crawling, crouching running, jumping at all locations... Just couldn't get out. Gave up after 30 mins. Also left my character there game idling for over an hour if I could die but didn't happen yet (as went to sleep and to work).
Vnq added a comment to T86813: Stuck "inside" building.
Update: Lost conciousness due to thirst. Respawned. Not keen on trying to replicate and getting stuck again :D
Vnq added a comment to T86813: Stuck "inside" building.
I can take a screenshot once I get home (this happened late last night, so didnt post it then). That should be in 12 hoursish....
Vnq edited Steps To Reproduce on T86813: Stuck "inside" building.
Vnq added a comment to T86784: Invisible zombies.
Yep, cut-off/split second zombie sounds but no attacks. Although this makes it much scarier runnin in the dark woods/fields :)
Vnq added a comment to T86665: Some players able to use global VOIP.
Vnq added a comment to T86570: Hearing another player's mic/voice chat.
Vnq added a comment to T86556: Hear cut-off zombie sounds even if none are nearby.
Makes it more spooky :P