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- User Since
- Sep 8 2014, 1:47 PM (549 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
In DayZ you have two Life-Critical values. Blood and Health. Both are reduced when taking damage. Blood loss affects you to loose your color vision, Health loss makes your screen blurry if you have post processing on.
If you are "lime green" energized and hydrated and don't have full health and blood, then the blood regeneration will start with 1,5 Blood/sec in 0.55. Once you are on full blood again, the health will regenerate on a much lower rate and will cause you to get a healing status. Once health is full you will receive the "healthy" status.
This mechanic has been around for a rather long time. There is a youtube chanal called "WOBO" that has videos explaining this in detail.
I think it was a coincidence that you were just full on blood, when you logged out and the fact that you "have not tried" to reproduce the bug, leads me to the conclusion, that this is not a bug but a mechanic, unfamiliar to you.
I think the current sprint speed is rather realistic over short distances. With around 24 km/h it is sprinting speed you might be able to expect from a athletic person in a panic situation, like beeing shot at. Of course i agree, that there is no way, that this somhow realistic over longer distances, but as you said, the stanima system will sort this out.
Can confirm the issue with the pants. The rest of the leather clothing works fine(see my screenshot). Also there are some major clipping issues with the vest and almost every jacket, the hat clipping intoo the forehead and the hair.
This happend to me 3 times in .52. Usually i was in a building on the first floor or higher, when my pants and boots got ruined and my legs were broken. Crafting a splint was not possible, due to the animation playing without any effect and me having to abort the animation. Crafting a fireplace went perfectly fine though. Please note, that this is an extremely gamebraking bug, as i had to suicide with a pen 3 times having no morphine. At least suicide works reliable enough.
You might want to give a more precise description of the problem.
I'm not even going to start about why this is by far the least informative and helpful feedback possible.
If you are not going to contribute in any useful way and only want to hate and troll, you might want to consider changing to a meaningless Hate-Blog instead of an official feedback tracker.
That's quiet interesting. The only thing i noticed since 0.49 is that the sewing kit doesn't mend any kind of clothing in general except for some lucky shots. But i never tried waiting for a minute though.