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- User Since
- Jan 27 2014, 2:24 AM (581 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
We did some further testing. After cooking 6 rabbit meat that appeared to be cooked based on the visual of the item, one survivor ate them all and got no food poisoning ("funny taste in mouth", etc).
Also had this happen. No gunfire or other activity in the area. Was sitting still, AKM in hands. Suddenly I see the reload icon, open inventory and the 30 round green magazine was gone. Searched the immediate area, no where to be found. Also of note, I know for a fact I had 29/30 ammo - I had recently expended one round to "help" a guy who had broken his legs about 30-45 min previous.
May 10 2016
Just confirmed it, a server we were playing on made an announcement about it, and had to check. Definitely works.
Having this exact same issue, was going to report but found this and upvoted instead. If there is additional info I can provide to help identify, please let me know. This only began after .45 stable patch (did not play experimental)
Had similar issue, not sure if connected to "F1", I don't think I pressed that. Was standing, and saw my char naked. Checked inventory, and it was empty as original reporters screenshot.
same, except to Vybor