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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 12:54 AM (588 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
TeeTrizZz added a comment to T88918: Outside fire station Tower ladder is accessible from inside of the tower..
Duplicate of #0002470 and #0000419 (probably more duplicates)
TeeTrizZz added a comment to T87899: Localization: Text in Settings Menu missing.
Naaah, it would be okay if the numbers were in English ;)
If I change the ingame language to English these two "bugs" are fixed. So it looks like the game can't find any translation or something.
TeeTrizZz edited Additional Information on T87899: Localization: Text in Settings Menu missing.
TeeTrizZz edited Additional Information on T87012: Background in Main Menu is visible at the Bottom.
TeeTrizZz updated subscribers of T86862: Localization.
@strangedayz (if he can read this, his issue was closed):
You CAN change the ingame language in the settings.
TeeTrizZz added a comment to T86862: Localization.
Yeah, two times in this dialog.
TeeTrizZz added a comment to T86857: Water pump does not work..
I could drink water from a pump. After like 10 times my char wasn't thirsty anymore.
TeeTrizZz added a comment to T86704: Too Many Night Servers [PRIMARY REPORT].
I support the idea of a shorter day and night cycle.
TeeTrizZz added a comment to T86534: Zombies do not spawn.
According to Dean Hall this is not a bug. Currently, the spawn rate is very low to stabilize server performance.
TeeTrizZz edited Steps To Reproduce on T86502: Missing Text in Context Menu: Battery on Flashlight.