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- User Since
- May 30 2019, 3:17 PM (300 w, 5 d)
Jul 22 2019
Jun 15 2019
Jun 13 2019
Ahh. This could be the cause of invisible fences..
Jun 7 2019
Jun 6 2019
Jun 5 2019
Jun 3 2019
Jun 1 2019
This is also an issue on my friends server. That is a vanilla server without mods.
Do you get the small condision of endurance/stamina back if you log out and in again?
Colliding watchtower, fences, gates etc is a big bad issue/bug in DayZ.
Base constructions / ghost-building kits should be much more forgiving and easier to set up and build without being denied due to collision with each other, even when they are placed near the game's fixed buildings or trees etc. or due to ground slopes..
May 31 2019
@Lex Good movie!
This bug is a critical gamebreaker for base builders.
This bug should have very high priority.
@Geez Hi,
I Have now uploaded a video as a "private dayz bug."
May 30 2019
Since the last stamina bug I periodically also experience this. Feels like you take three steps for each step..