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- User Since
- Aug 16 2022, 7:35 PM (130 w, 3 d)
Sep 22 2022
Apparently even if you get a prompt saying failed to publish, it still gets published. It ended up publishing 6 different times! Not sure if it's normal but it took over 16 hours to appear on the workshop. I would suggest uploaders have the ability to remove items, have it linked to your workshop items on your steam profile.
Sep 21 2022
Sep 19 2022
Sep 12 2022
I think it is related to the spawn location bug where your spawn location won't change. I've had this happen to me after my team lost a point but no matter where I would chose to spawn it would spawn me at the enemy captured point. This reminds me, there is also a bug where backpack radio person's spawn location stays active when they die. I had this happen when I picked up a radio off a dead guy and died as I equipped it. I have seen people spawn off dead radio operators many times.
Aug 23 2022
Aug 17 2022
I've seen this happen mostly after players have been killed out of the turret while firing or they disconnected because of one of the numerous crashes that occur. I've seen phantom shots from the bugged M2 while nobody is around, usually fires 1 shot which everyone hears, but if someone gets on it only the client can see the shooting like mentioned..
Aug 16 2022
Happens with MHQ also. Can't say I've seen Jeep or Uaz wrecks do this.
Can confirm this has happened to me plenty after the update. Not sure if it searching all clothing, vest, backpack slots or if you have mixed US and Russian bandage if it knows the difference to restack.