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- User Since
- Jul 10 2014, 12:15 AM (559 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Striker235 added a comment to T100301: 75er AKM Magazine alot of bugs.
My 75 round mag just got deleted even when i had enough space in my backpack, i did not think of testing the open slots if they were bugged though.
Striker235 added a comment to T100257: Zombies can hit without actual contact..
Striker235 added a comment to T100110: dead character gliding and then become impossible to loot.
Yeah, leeroy is right, but there is no body to loot, you can only loot them if they had a weapon equipped by aiming at the weapon they dropped.
Striker235 added a comment to T100065: Lack of surface friction causing ragdolls to slide on uneven terrain at high speed..
Same for me, to loot a siding player look for dropped weapons then proceed to loot him by opening his inventory that way.
Striker235 added a comment to T96828: Gunfire SFX do not play.
Have anyone tried turning up audio sources in options?
gives you more ambient noise though..
Striker235 added a comment to T96109: Frequent desync and rubber banding.
The issue is still quite bad in experimental.
Striker235 added a comment to T86571: [PRIMARY REPORT] Random Zombie and Character action noises.
This is definetly not resolved.