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- User Since
- Mar 12 2015, 1:49 PM (520 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
Why is that? They use MTP just fine, I'm sure they can use OCP. Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) isn't a trademarked name.
Weird, considering they have the U.S flag patch on their plate carriers and uniforms.
Right, but OCP, or Operational Camouflage Pattern, isn't copyrighted. And Multi-Terrain Pattern is to British as Operation Camouflage Pattern is to the U.S.
The in-game name calls it MTP, but it may not look like MTP. The proper name for it would be OCP.
Here you can see OCP next to MTP:
Right, but I was just providing a example of what it would closely resemble. If Bohemia would change the U.S's camo from MTP to OCP, it would look a bit like that, and not like how it currently is.
@Dr Death, the problem is that the U.S' soldiers in-game use a British camo, MTP, and not their own, OCP. According to in-game, they wear MTP, not OCP.
Right. The UK uses their own multicam, which is Multipatter, or MTP. The U.S uses their own multicam as well, which is Operational Camouflage Pattern, or OCP.
While MTP is Multicam, The U.S Armed Forces use their own version of Multicam: OCP. So yes, it is Scorpion camouflage; but it's the one that the U.K uses.
Voted up. I encounter this error a lot.
How is this Bohemia's problem?
This is a military simulator, not Call of Duty.