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- User Since
- Nov 4 2013, 1:56 PM (594 w, 1 d)
Feb 14 2019
Feb 13 2019
Feb 12 2019
Sep 8 2018
Sep 1 2018
May 11 2016
This may be an issue with people with limited steam accounts, people who have steam communitiy bans, trade bans etc even though they are not VAC banned. A community/trade ban should not affect your ability to play games but it appears to do so in DayZ (unless it's just a coincidence)
For example, we can see here that this ticket author is community banned.!/profiles/76561198084952625
May 10 2016
Please add -port=25007 into your DayZ launch options on one of the PC's. Right click on DayZ on Stam > General > Set launch options. The number doesn't really matter as long as it's different from the other computers which will use 2302, 2303, 2305 by default.
Basically, it's an issue with NAT translation. You've got two DayZ clients on the same network routing through the same public IP address. Even though they have 2 separate private IP's, they're both using the same standard ports... Most programs will generate a dynamic source port, DayZ doesn't do that so when NAT tries to translate your outgoing connections, you're NAT firewall ( and some public IP) can only support one or the other.
Alternatively, if you have access to the router settings and upnp is turned on, you can try turning it off, restarting router then trying again.
You can report it to the GSP.
Have you tried lowering your Steam Max ping per minute setting?
Steam > Settings > In-Game > Max Pings per Minute > Set to 250, increase until it's no longer stable.
I can reproduce this pretty often on full populated servers by sprinting for a reasonable amount of time. (5 mins?) I can't seem to reproduce it at all on low population or empty servers though so assume traffic/desync has something to do with it.
0.48 Stable, had this happen on a lot of servers, Fragnet in particular.
ATL 4-007 Fragnet
ATL 4-022 Fragnet
ATL 4-062 Fragnet