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- Mar 14 2013, 4:16 AM (627 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
I'm sorry, I cannot remember what items were in my pants.
I recall putting them back on and then spreading the items from my backpack to pants to be closer on the menu if I needed them in a hurry. Most likely it would have been magazines for my MP5 or rags/bandages. But I can't be certain.
I always put my magazines in my pants as they are less likely to get damaged yet are easily reachable.
Also, if it helps, they were the winter hunter pants.
May 10 2016
Confirming something similar just happened to me at the shipwreck.
I was fully geared, walking crouched with M4 in hand but not at the eye, through the wreck on the bridge level. Walked down to the front of the ship, and suddenly was "bounced" about 30 feet out over open space and fell to my death down about 100 feet.
I saw no apparent collision and cannot be sure if it was lag or not. All I saw was crouch-walking along outside on the bridge level and bounced/warped out over the open area to fall.
Just did a search to find this same type of issue to confirm I am getting the same.
When wounded or even hit once by a zombie vision blurred. All efforts to repair damage or sickness work in all ways except to "fix" the blurred vision.
I just died tonight at the shipwreck due to "bouncing" suddenly 30 yards or so out over the water from inside the bridge and fell to my death.
I respawn new and have extremely blurry vision. I took screenshots but can't post them here. I did the video setting menu and it disappeared.
As others have stated in other threads like this, after fixing or respawning and still blurry, simply go to video options and back again and the blurriness goes away and normal crisp vision is restored.
I understand the intent of the blurred vision but it does not seem to be working as intended and once damaged, always stays blurry (at least for my own and many other system configurations).
This looks like a necro post but I just did a search and found this and am currently experiencing it.
I have not played DayZ in 3 to 4 months.
Logged in tonight and spawn as default female on beach.
I exit and re-jig my character to the one I want, click "SET DEFAULT" and go to a server. I still spawned as the default female.
Exited, restarted game, did the same and still respawning as default female character no matter how I change or try to save my character icon.
I should add that I'm loading on to PUBLIC servers and the game is updated as are all my drivers etc.
I also have this issue. Any death results in the same message and "Testing 1...2...3" then just waiting.
I actually have to exit to the server list and rejoin to respawn.
THey have done a better job making it realistic.
Here is a video of an FN suppressed firing at night. It has the muzzle flash, though less pronounced as firing in the dark without a suppressor.
A sound suppressor simply reduces the SOUND of gunfire by dispersing the gas from the end of the barrel in a different way. The gas and light from the explosion of the powder is still present. A "silenced" gun will still have muzzle flash, or light and flame.
I have the same issue. I was able to play Alpha and Beta with 20-40 FPS and sometimes higher.
Full version now with Altis and most servers I can only get 10 to 12 FPS. Often, especially when entering and exiting vehicles I drop to 1 to 3 FPS for 30 seconds or so. Most servers are unplayable for me with this FPS.
I should mention that some servers I get constant 15 to 20. I don't know what the differences are.
I have also tried changing my graphics settings, and from highest to lowest makes very little difference (a couple FPS). I have a good system with a GTX670 and ran Beta with all ultra etc. Should be able to so the same here.
I will also upload my dxdiag.txt file.
I also did the development version tonight. In a short, 20 min or so test to see if I could reproduce the FPS drop I notice the following;(tested on a Dev branch Domination server)
My overall FPS got better (increased) slightly. At vehicle entry/exit, at 3rd person chopper view at speed while changing direction with 2.5km distance setting, driving, running in 3rd and 1st person. My FPS in these and etc conditions went from 1-5 FPS to about 8.
My general FPS went from around 15-20 up to averaging in the low 20's; 20 to 22'ish.
I don't think I can say that is actually an improvement based on the short time testing on a server that only had about 10 players at the time.
Just not getting any reasonable FPS in regular version and in this short test, not in Dev version either.