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- User Since
- Jan 31 2014, 6:53 PM (579 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
That he could tell your nicknames and equipment is somehow strange.
The fact that people seem to teleport in a gunfight seems to be normal... as said by biggoron, it is known that the bandwidth rises when there are other players around. And when you watch the connection symbol on the bottom right, it was RED right before the "accident". So maybe you just received the "hackers" position very late from the server (1st possibility). 2nd possibility is, that the server does somehow fail generally in telling his position. As I'm from germany, I'm watching these guys playing DayZ ( and as you can see in the video (at 7:30 and onward) the character with the green backpack is terribly lagging/teleporting but NOT HACKING! In this case it seems that the client is telling the server where the player has to be and not vice versa as it normally should be. So I'd say your "hacker" wasn't one... just the bad network technology :-/ Except the fact, that they could tell your nicknames.
Please excuse my bad english :)
I've got more than 60 rounds for the SKS, and didn't find any mosin ammo instead... So I downvoted this issue as it doesn't seem to be one ;)
Seems all characters are deleted again :(
I guess this character whipe is again the result of the upcoming patch to 0.33 ... Were there any database updates included? I didn't receive any client update or any announcement of server updates. This is very ugly! Please inform us! I expected a character whipe... but I expected it to happen tomorrow, as the patch maintenance is scheduled for the 5th :-/
I hope that the developers can find a way to save character data over the update process. Also I would appreciate a complete shutdown of servers for the update process.
I think identifying a friend by colored cloth on/around your hand should be enough. Finding each other is a major thing of the game and I don't want it to be ruined. But I still want a "friend button"! Or at least a way to find someones steam profile. I met a great guy who helped me out for quite a long time and wanted to add him as friend, but wasn't able to do so, because I couldn't identify him with his custom set nickname :-/ ...for all those streamers who don't like this feature, it should be implemented as an optional setting.
I don't know whether this is already planned or not, but I stumbled accross this issue and thought it would fit in here.
Hey folks, a friend of mine lately experienced super low FPS in CS:GO
He also had an AMD FX8350 CPU which caused this issue in combination with an outdated BIOS for his ASUS mainboard. After he had updated his BIOS he could play the game with over 200 FPS instead of former 10FPS :D I hope this maybe a solution for some of you... but honestly I don't believe in it, as many and myself included are experiencing this poor performance. And as said, I also expect the graphics optimization coming later on.
Wow, thanks for restoring characters :)
@Ounissi: where can I get the information about the problem and its resolvation? Unless I check the game
Seems all characters are deleted again :(
I guess this character whipe is again the result of the upcoming patch to 0.33 ... Were there any database updates included? I didn't receive any client update or any announcement of server updates. This is very ugly! Please inform us! I expected a character whipe... but I expected it to happen tomorrow, as the patch maintenance is scheduled for the 5th :-/
I hope that the developers can find a way to save character data over the update process. Also I would appreciate a complete shutdown of servers for the update process.