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- User Since
- Apr 7 2020, 3:08 AM (257 w, 1 d)
Dec 12 2024
Oct 7 2024
Oct 17 2023
So after going from a cell phone data link to a fiberoptic network, I no longer get this error message. I think it was my connection quality that caused the error message and it was intermittent. e.g. If there are good atmospheric conditions and the network wasn't overloaded at a cell tower, I had a sufficient connection.
Jan 4 2023
This is, again, an issue. Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F is not in Eden/Zeus. I've noticed this for months. Was it this revision:
Dec 9 2021
Sep 16 2021
I got this response from BattlEye
Aug 14 2021
The BattlEye team won't even respond to my emails. I've noticed that the condition of my weapons is erroneous when I get this kick. My jacket, pants, rifle and SMG are listed as 'pristine' when they should be 'worn'. Two of four canteens in my inventory are filled when they should be empty. I can't interact with anything in my inventory. I can't drop my backpack from my hands. My gameplay has effectively been stopped until I can get killed by the AI.
Aug 5 2021
I try to play NY 5204, too and I'm constantly being kicked with error 0X000400F0. Here's the thing, though. I can't play NY 4403 with a different character for the exact same kick from BattleEye. I can't even play on a community server without the same kick. I can't move inventory items or interact with the game. Even if this is an inventory issue, I couldn't commit suicide so that I could collect my stuff.
Aug 3 2021
I'm still getting this kick after the 1.13 Hotfix. Happened just now 09:15 EST (16:15 CEST) on Official NY 5204.
Jul 24 2021
Has Bohemia seen an uptick on these error codes from their official servers?
Jul 19 2021
Same issue. 0X000400F0 "BattleEye client not responding" and I get kicked from an official server. NY 4763 Livonia.