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Apr 3 2015, 3:45 AM (508 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

RedGreen added a comment to T110313: Plate Carrier with Attached Pouches entire inventory contents disappear after attaching Gun Holster..

So, I had this issue. What I discovered was, you need to empty it, attach the parts to the vest, put your gun in it, then load items. I found that it bugs if you don't have a gun in the holster, and it really doesn't like drag and dropping items into inventory.

May 11 2016, 5:15 AM · DayZ
RedGreen added a comment to T109762: Tents disappeared.

Wow, no warning of any kind? Just a giant middle finger? Would have been nice to let us know so we could have tried to at least save some of the shit we spent hours getting, to have you yet again fuck us over after you said this wasn't happening anymore.

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
RedGreen set Category to category:items on T109762: Tents disappeared.
May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
RedGreen added a comment to T109686: zombies moving and hitting too fast (not realisticly fast).

Some would say defending all change as good would be insane.

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
RedGreen added a comment to T109686: zombies moving and hitting too fast (not realisticly fast).

Yea, stow the alpha comments. The reason people MAKE these comments, is cause they are alpha and trying to make the experience better. People like you add nothing by simply thinking everything is okay.

This is a broken mechanic and I don't believe for a second you have killed anything with a single hit or shot as I have logged 10 hours and done neither nor have I seen any videos of serious players doing it.

They run faster than you do, that is why they catch up to you and then back off. They rubber band because they have a higher base run speed than you. Also, still not effected by hills. They can sprint up those like Usain Bolt.

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
RedGreen added a comment to T109686: zombies moving and hitting too fast (not realisticly fast).

Huge issue. Melee is almost pointless as it takes more hits from an Axe to kill a zombie than an actual player. They rubber band now, where they catch you instantly, and you can't escape til the game just decides its had enough. They also make ZERO noise while moving on any surface.

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
RedGreen added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.

Even with an Axe or a gun, they are op. It's to a point of not engaging at all. That's not realistic.

Zombies can outrun you.

They take more damage from melee weapons that actual players.

They damage you even when they aren't attacking.

If that is on purpose, then you are failing at making this realistic in any sense whatsoever.

Make them a threat, yes. But don't make them to the point where it's not even worth engaging at all.

At this point, it's not even worth trying to kill zombies at all and that just makes no sense.

May 11 2016, 4:51 AM · DayZ