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- User Since
- Jul 8 2014, 4:23 PM (554 w, 1 d)
Dec 14 2018
May 10 2016
I had this some time ago when I was testing a mission, happened a couple of times (happened every +-1/10 time). Tried to reproduce it now but could not make it happen once. (version 1.42.130231)
Yes, bug is resolved, just tested.
Can be marked as resolved.
I can config this. Tested it out on version. 1.42.130231
you can not use alt while looking in the optic.
only when pressing alt first, looking a side and then pressing right mouse to look into optic as described by Koala in his update.
Also uploaded screenshot.
Does it only happen with some mods or all mods? Could you upload or link a mod that has this problem so I can confirm it?
By the looks of it you have verifySignatures on. Can clients connect to the server without a problem?
in the /home/servers/arma/name/arma3/@aia/addons folder are there the bisign files? like this:
Do you have the bikey file of the mods inside the
/home/servers/arma/name/arma3/keys folder?
Because you use linux:
Also make sure the file/folder names are all lower case. (no uppercase at all)
Could you make a screenshot of the server files and the HC files so I can have a look. screenshots will do or a treeview will also do as well.
You can use the command 'tree' for this:
- install the 'tree' command
- use 'cd' to go to your folder
3a) use 'tree' to show the view.
3.1) copy past this into a file
3b) use 'tree > treeview_arma.txt' and it will create a file that contains the treeview.
- upload the file here.
I'll take a look where the problem is.
Here some info about tree-command:
I don't see a problem with the structure or files.
The only thing that could be the problem is if the bisign files are not up to date with the pbo file. So to solve that you can re-key the files. You can check them with this:
Or you can make your own bikey.
All programs you need are in
You also have some files that have 2 keys for some files:
Do give you a bit of info if you don't know: a bisign file is a check-sum for the pbo, if the pbo changes the check-sum doesn't match up and the server will notice this and kick you out. So if you change a pbo you need to re-key it.
Other then that, but are not any problems:
@aia doesn't exist but checked @aialite for this.
and the \ slashes in the first post are also not the problem.
Let me know if the problem is fixed after re-keying the pbo.
so 2 solutions:
1a. check the pbo with the bisign (DSCheckSignatures) (if invalid go to step 2)
2a. make your own key (DSCreateKey) (you can also just do this)
2b. make new bisign keys (and delete the old ones) (DSSignFile) (check if solved)
I hope this will fix it. Let me know if you solved it.
Needs to be marked as resolved.
I have the same issue (linux dedicated).
Noting shows up on .rpt files (apart from the normal stuff). And server just stops and all clients get message "Session lost". (no linux Core bump is made.)
To solve this. some missions needs to be deleted from the mpmissions folder. after that I can switch missions again (without crashing server). Both on vanilla arma as with mods (that we already have been using for a long time) the server does the same. Some missions only have this problem. Mission that I know for sure has this problem is: co60_AW_Invade_Annex_2_82.Altis.pbo (
It could be that it is only with some settings in this mission. but then this should still be resolved.
If I get to know something more I will post it here. but this is all I know for now.
I think this issue can be marked as resolved, problem is already solved since a few updates ago.
Thanks Dorbedo for your post.
After trying a lot I saw you typed the i386 wrong. (you types i368)
After running (as root):
'apt-get install libx11-6:i386 libusb-1.0-0:i386 libopenal1:i386 libglib2.0-0:i386 libdbus-glib-1-2:i386 libnm-glib4:i386'
and 'apt-get update'
I rebooted the servers and it worked.
thanks a lot!
Same problem. Server boots up as normal.
Known issue listed in Spotrep-00038 do not solve it. (
- steam_appid.txt -> this change right. content is: 107410
- vanilla server doesn't work.
- -mod=curator;kart;heli;dlcbundle: doesn't do much different.
Here is server log if it helps.
Look normal, apart from 'arma 3' 'NOT FOUND'.
modDir is wrong here. path is just ./addons/
dlcbundle folder does not exist eater but don't think that matters.
"Attempt to override final function - rsc*" is not normal.