Well I'm out of options. Our server is running on Linux and we're using a couple of mods, among them is All in ArmA Terrain pack.
The HC will start and connect just fine as long as the @aia addons is NOT loaded.
As soon as it's added to the modline the HC gets kicked for invalid bisign files.
I've tried resigning the files and verifying that they work by connecting myself to the server. The bisigns were then transferred and server restarted etc. HC is still getting kicked for the exact same files.
HC rpt
20:42:40 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
20:42:40 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
Global namespace not passed during: false
Global namespace not passed during: false
20:42:41 Error in expression <false>
20:42:41 Error position: <false>
20:42:41 Error Local variable in global space
Global namespace not passed during: false
Global namespace not passed during: false
20:42:41 Error in expression <false>
20:42:41 Error position: <false>
20:42:41 Error Local variable in global space
20:42:41 Client connected:
20:42:43 > Player headlessclient connecting
20:42:43 > Welcome to ArmA3 server!..
20:42:43 Warning Message: Files "/home/servers/arma/name/arma3/@aia\addons\buildings_c.pbo", "/home/servers/arma/name/arma3/@aia\addons\roads2.pbo", "/home/servers/arma/name/arma3/@aia\addons\plants.pbo", "/home/servers/arma/name/arma3/@aia\addons\takistan_data_layers.pbo", "/home/servers/arma/name/arma3/@aia\addons\cba_xeh_oa_dummy.pbo", "/home/servers/arma/name/arma3/@aia\addons\takistan_data.pbo", ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys.
20:42:43 > Player headlessclient connected
20:42:43 > You were kicked off the game.
Server rpt
20:42:41 Player headlessclient connecting.
20:42:43 Player headlessclient connected (id=HC27676).
20:42:43 File description.ext, line 3: '.onLoadMission': Missing ';' at the end of line
20:42:43 Unsupported language English in stringtable
20:42:43 Player headlessclient disconnected.
20:42:43 No player found for channel 3590496256 - message ignored
The only problem I can see are the \ slashes in the search path. Could it be related?