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- User Since
- Sep 24 2014, 1:14 PM (546 w, 8 h)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Rainbow_Chicken added a comment to T105171: Weapon loot on v0.50.
You can find an M4 at a heli crash, as well as an FNX45 and Amphibia S. You can also find FNX45 mags at firestations. AKM mags do spawn, you can find them at the barracks, though they're sometimes hard to come by, aswell as AK74, AK74U and AK101 mags.
Rainbow_Chicken edited Steps To Reproduce on T104908: [0.49] Zombies stuck in a corner have an extremely high range for their attacks.
Rainbow_Chicken edited Steps To Reproduce on T104847: [exp 0.50] MP-133 shotgun doesn't kill on point blank range.
Rainbow_Chicken added a comment to T104735: Duping glitch still exists.
I can confirm that the duplicate glitch still exists
Rainbow_Chicken edited Steps To Reproduce on T104652: [PRIMARY REPORT] Some gunshots are not heard by other players.
Rainbow_Chicken added a comment to T104651: [0.49] "Berezino Glitch".
I have uploaded a couple of screenshots showing off the building in which this guy was hiding
Rainbow_Chicken edited Steps To Reproduce on T104651: [0.49] "Berezino Glitch".
Rainbow_Chicken edited Steps To Reproduce on T104446: [0.49 - 0.50 exp] Zombies can walk through doors that weren't closed fast enough..
Rainbow_Chicken added a comment to T104403: Cannot find an AKM anywhere.
They do spawn. I have found one on NWAF. You just gotta be lucky.
Rainbow_Chicken edited Additional Information on T103748: Zombies can punch you through walls.
Rainbow_Chicken added a comment to T103746: Spawn players with same clantag next to each other, with vote.
I would say yes, but.. It wouldn't be fun anymore. So I vote no.
Rainbow_Chicken set Category to category:server on T103734: Not being able to find servers.