User Details
- User Since
- Oct 23 2013, 9:00 PM (596 w, 5 d)
Jul 5 2023
Jan 26 2023
The ticket is still actual. Eventually the amount of dead bodies (the size of allDead array) becomes bigger and bigger and restart is only way to purge it.
Jan 12 2023
Jan 10 2023
He is using GeForce Now - it is server-side rendering service if you don't have decent PC to play. All user data is stored on the server and not on the client's machine. The user only sees "remote desktop" which runs in virtualized environment and it gets deleted afer session ends trashing all his/her game data. Probably he/she even doesn't have direct access to the file system of the remote machine (depends on GeForce Now service provider)
May 10 2016
1st vanilla
2nd vanilla rifles/sights have an issues (VS-121 and EBR)
There are few ways to check this.
- EH on HandleDamage/Hit
- Bullet trace (e.g Hypnomatic's script)
- Bullet cam (conKORD's Proving Ground)
- Just by visual
All of these ways say that there's a problem. 2 mils is a big angle, much more than weapon dispersion defined in cfg.
No responses. Should I upload some video or just nobody shoots at distances over 100-300m?
The result is the same if we'll use bot name instead of cursorTarget:
hint (currentWeapon bot1); // bot1 - the name of the bot
It's not always possible to use selectWeapon on the bot, especially if bot is server-controlled (non-local) or handled by another client and/or for security reason in MP.
I guess the only correct way (with no reinventing the wheel) to fix that is change AI behaviour in FSM.
PREFIX_send = format ["[33, 44, 55, %1]", player]; fail, error in expression
PREFIX_send = "[33, 44, 55, player]"; // fail, undefined var player
publicVariableServer "PREFIX_send";
_blah = call compile PREFIX_send; fail
Normal way
PREFIX_send = [33, 44, 55, player];
publicVariableServer "PREFIX_send";
PREFIX_send is ready to be used
Ok. I've used our algorythm again:
// =====================================
someVariable = "Some shitty value";
for "_i" from 0 to 999 step 1 do
publicVariable "someVariable";
// =====================================
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 0 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 1 Kbps in: 189 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 108 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 0 Kbps
It is better than it was in initial ticket.
// =====================================
someVariable = ["Some shitty value"];
for "_i" from 0 to 999 step 1 do
publicVariable "someVariable";
// =====================================
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 0 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 1 Kbps in: 304 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 349 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 350 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 366 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 296 Kbps
Server load: FPS 50, memory 227 MB, out: 0 Kbps in: 0 Kbps
The behaviour was changed. It seems the speed (amount of data and/or their size in single packet) of transfering via pV has been changed but actualy we almost have same amount of data for arrays: 304 + 349 + 350 + 366 + 296 = 1 665 kbps.
As you can see the pV data transfer speed was reduced, but amount of the data almost was not changed. Dedicated server was running on the same machine with a client.
PS Was tested on Dedicated Server with simpliest mission possible on Virtual Reality island with a single playable slot available and Dev Console enabled.
File version:
Product version:
File version:
Product version:
Yep. It's more usefull to store data types as identifiers with one byte of data instead of using strings.
The second thing - I think there's something wrong in ARRAY description/header inside of the serialized net packet. One data type descriptor per one element should be.
This thing is critical when your server holds > 50-100 players and you're using BIS_fnc_MP or same system to call remote functions passing arguments to them.
it will be just workaround but not fixing and will not fix all kind of cases of using arrays on network. For example client-to-server data packet:
MYPREFIX_packet = [player, cursorTarget, 123, 321, true, false, "some other stuff", ["nested", "array"]];
publicVariableServer "MYPREFIX_packet";
There's a problem while deserializing player and cursorTarget, because if you send to server "player" and "cursorTarget, it'll cause issues after deserializing back via parseArray. player and cursorTarget don't exist on the server side.
The problem should be fixed on the engine level, not on scripts.