At this point if you have a lot of mods which being used in your SP/MP, some mods can be used on regular basis and some mods are specific to the mission and/or for the server. Let's name these two groups as "Core modifications" and "Specific modifications". For example we play vanilla campaign and we have added the following mods:
Core modifications:
- Community Base Addons
- Action Menu Changer - removes "Rearm" option from Action menu
- Weapon Realistic Names
- JSRS sound modification
- Swim faster
- Ladder faster
- Arsenal search
This modifications are used on regular basis and they are not dependent on the mission. They will be used always. If user decided to play Antistasi on Takistan from Community Upgrade Project (ArmA 2 ported content), in addition to this list he has to add CUP mods:
CUP asset:
- CUP Terrains - Core
- CUP Terrains - Maps
- CUP - Units
- CUP - Vehicles
- CUP - Weapons
and this group of mods are called "Specific modifications", because it is specific to the certain community mission.
The problem. Now, imagine you have 50-100 (or even more) Presets in the Launcher and you decided to change the mods in the "Core modifications" group. For example you want to add "Realistic Weapon Weights" for all weapons. Instead of changing the single item in the dedicated "Core modifications" group you have to edit all 100 Launcher Presets individually by adding the new mod to each preset. That's not very nice.
Another situation is when you have something modular but want to load it as a single modification. For example you want to turn on RHS stuff:
- RHS - Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
- RHS - United States Forces
- RHS - Serbian Armed Forces
- BettIR RHSUSAF PEQcompat
- UniversalUniformsRHS
- JSRS - RHS AFRFR Support
- JSRS - RHS GREF Support
- JSRS - RHS SAF Support
- JSRS - RHS USF Support
you want to transform all these mods into one single item called "RHS asset". If you decided to play community made mission with these modification you have to choose two items in the Launcher mod list:
- Core modifications
- RHS asset
or on the Takistan
- Core modifications
- RHS asset
- CUP asset
So the list consists two items instead of 20+. And each mod group can be easily modified for all Presets!
Probaly it's task for the ArmA 4, depends on your motivation and resources. But I think it is good idea for improving user's QoL playing modded ArmA.