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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 6:48 AM (627 w, 4 h)
May 10 2016
Though my default flying is joystick and rudder peddals with realistic mapping
I bind mouse left/right to Turn left/right. Turn uses a mix of rudder and roll depending on speed so when very slow or hovering its becomes fine rudder control. That leaves A&D for left/right cyclic when you need to move sideways from hover.
other bindings, W&S for collective.
PS. I get your objection to 'Turn' but for noobs on keyboard and mouse this is probably the easiest way to fly. And doing less with the left also makes it easier to reach the alt for free look. If the lack of 'sim' bothers me I just reach for my joystick.
Also to be honest I'm not sure what to make of the description above. The default A3 keys are as you request, its just a question of exactly wich keys you want bound to task. You havn't actualy suggested your alternative.
Not sure if the lacking illusion of inertia is due to animation transitions or because movement rates are alltogether too fast. But I'd like to see this tweaked.
May 9 2016
It good to throw nades off ladders, but even better would be to see an an animation
I can see the attachemt and i just checked all info is there even the mission cache file of the mission that was being played.
Sry if 7zip is a problem I will upload a winrar version ASAP.
Seems true for some control groups and not others.
Confimed, control UI dosn't indicate conflict. And search through UI shows no other controls mapped to E
Found quality of RTT mirrors and monitors vary widely depending on particular vehicle.