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- May 2 2015, 1:07 PM (514 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Hey kradarak,
you need a rope and an ashwood stick to craft the fishing rod. I would agree, that they should add a finished fishing rod item, that u can loot somewhere.
You can get filets out of the fish, if you put the carp out of your inventory to the ground. If u have a knife you can select "skin and quarter the body", after that u will get the filets and the guts in your inventory.
I also ran into that bug, and theres already a reported issue about it. But also the devs couldnt reproduce this, cause they closed two reports about this. Sometimes I dont know what they are doing.
I couldnt find an axe at all. Also searched in smaller villages ... Then I arrived on the NWAF, and in the firefighter building there were two firefighter axes, but also 10-15 Firefighter helmets.
They should also add a craftable axe
But I found Items you listed above:
- Cooking pot
- Sewing kit
Also I found a bunch of tents and played around 2 hours.
I also couldnt find leather sewing kits and the other items u listed
I also attached a pistole to my hotbar... after that i couldnt interact with that item in my inventory anymore. I couldnt drop it, take it, drag it on other inventory slot... The only thing I can do is to inspect it... WOOOW
After u relogg on the server u can interact with the item again. But if u attach it again to ur hotbar, the same problem occurs.
Yes man thats exactly the same issue, like i listed above. Hope they get rid of that bug. Maybe with new inventory system, they also get the other dup bugs.
I can confirm this issue, playing on a stable private shard.
Hey perki104,
i resolved this bug and tested that out. If you have the fish in your inventory and pull the knife to the fish and click "prepare fish" you will only get the guts out of that.
BUT, if you lay down the fish in front of you and equip your knife, and use "skin and quarter the body" than u will get the filets and the guts in your inventory. Don't know if the devs know this problem, but thats clearly a bug!
I also tried this with the hunting knife or steak knife, same issue. U dont get any fillet out if u prepare the fish, just guts. We also tried this with different characters, but my friend got the same issue too. We had enough slots in our inventory to carry the fillets after the fish was prepared, so that also wasn't the problem. We played on a private shard stable server with 0.55 on it.
I found something out!!! If you use this new UI with the start parameters in the steam launch options "-newui" than u can scroll the car and military tents.
THE UI IS SHIT, but if u only use it to manage ur tent inventory and turn it off afterwards its fine for now.
-Para, Mai 2, 2015.
Can u please fix this with the new 0.56 Patch!! Then u also dont need to pitch tents up everytime the server full restarts... This is really frustrating for all the tent folks out there!
I mean there are several minor bugs of this class known. Why u dont invest in a good developer who is especially responsible for this minor issues? I say minor issues concerning the program man power u need to invest. Its a BIG, SAD issue for us players!
May 10 2016
Geez if you or other devs read this, please read my note above and test it the same way. I know u closed reports with the same issue, because u cant reproduce the bug. But in all these reports there was never explained exactly how they have reproduced this issue.
I also found another bug and tested that out in 0.55 stable. If you have the fish in your inventory and pull the knife to the fish and click "prepare fish" you will only get the guts out of that in your inventory.
BUT, if you lay down the fish in front of you and equip your knife, and use "skin and quarter the body" than u will get the filets and the guts in your inventory.
I dont think the devs created the option "prepare fish" if the fish is in your inventory for just getting guts out of that. That makes no sense am I right?