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- User Since
- May 15 2013, 6:57 PM (618 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
'RemoveItem' and 'RemoveItemFromXXX' also doesn't work with weapons even though the 'AddItem' variant does work with weapons.
The 'AddItem' command doesn't register a unit has magazines like throwable items (HandGrenade,etc.). The magazine like grenades are unusable until you pickup a throwable item.
This causes you to need to drop the throwable item on the ground and pick it up again. This is a problem because adding magazines with 'AddItem' command prevents AI from using those magazines like HandGrenades.
Adding magazines with 'AddMagazine' doesn't have this problem, though 'AddItem' now has commands like 'AddItemToVest' and such to fine tune where items are placed.
'RemoveItem' and 'RemoveItemFromXXX' also doesn't work with weapons even though the 'AddItem' variant does work with weapons.
EDIT: 'RemoveItem' also doesn't work with goggles.
The removeItem commands work now on weapons/magazines/glasses.
Though it seems the 'removeItems' command isn't accepting weapons/magazines/glasses.
An alternative would be just to use 'itemsWithMagazines' command in a loop with 'removeItem'.
The command 'Face' also doesn't return the new face if used 'SetFace' on a unit.
'Face' appears to only return the face the unit was spawned with even after changing the face with 'SetFace'.
'SetFace' properly changes the face, just 'Face' doesn't return the changed face.
version: 1.18.124097
Arma 3 Build:
I have arma.rpt spam with the error:
Cannot load sound 'a3\sounds_f\characters\cutscenes\dirt_acts_treatingwounded_in.wss'
I think this is the reason why I see AI go into a perpetual healing loop because a sound file can't be loaded, it is associated with animations:
I'm not entirely sure if all those animations are real; I just assumed the number counts on some because I kept getting 05/03/_loop
The scripting command "Items" doesn't seem to return anything when used on dead units, only units that are alive. "Weapons" and "Magazines" work for both alive and dead units. The "Items" command may be bugged. I'm using the Development build 0.61.105957
I'm not sure if this bug is relevant for this tracker or if it deserves its own.
May 9 2016
AI also get stuck when using binoculars. An AI squad leader using binoculars will then get his entire squad stuck.
pilotbaxter007 is right, wearing enemy uniforms is only illegal if doing so while engaging the enemy, it is perfectly legal to wear enemy uniforms as a ruse just as long as they're discarded before engaging the enemy.
"National flags, insignias and uniforms as a ruse – in practice it has been authorized to make use of these as a ruse. The foregoing rule (Article 23 of the Annex of the IVth Hague Convention), does not prohibit such use, but does prohibit their improper use. It is certainly forbidden to make use of them during a combat. Before opening fire upon the enemy, they must be discarded".
The ability to wear any uniform just adds more freedom to the game.
Why are we so concerned about the Geneva Convention when it's just a game?