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User Since
Mar 24 2014, 1:39 AM (574 w, 2 d)

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Dec 13 2018

Oysterz changed Severity from severity:major to severity:none on T134984: Fog out of control.
Dec 13 2018, 6:37 AM · DayZ

Dec 11 2018

Oysterz edited Additional Information on T134984: Fog out of control.
Dec 11 2018, 5:31 PM · DayZ
Oysterz created T134984: Fog out of control.
Dec 11 2018, 3:59 PM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Oysterz added a comment to T96713: When equipping an item into hands while walking or being in the "raise weapon" mode, player stops moving..

You can press space whilst running to avoid this. The reason the person stops (correct me if I'm wrong mods) is to nerf the running-faster-with-your-hands-up thingy. When sprinting at "ready" you're charging, and to avoid abuse you've got to stop to interact. I dunno why it happens when you walk normally though.

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96712: Invisible Hitboxes of Objects (cover) larger than their looks.

This isn't a bug, it's a feature of the ARMA engine, bullets originate from the muzzle, and not from the sights. Just make sure you have enough clearing when shooting at someone. (I'd say 15-20 cm extra after the optics have cleared.

The ironsights are precise (at the zeroed distance) and you would encounter the same "bug" irl when aiming around corners, but irl you have the advantage of depth perception, which makes it easier to spot that a barrel isn't clear of the corner.

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96712: Invisible Hitboxes of Objects (cover) larger than their looks.

Sorry for just copypasta, but it's the same issue man, there are some minor bugs, but mostly positioning of the rifle.

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96709: Player moves, leans or does the action which he has set the key he is pressing to activate when typing in the chat..

I don't mind this actually. IF you panic, you would be able to move even if you're typing. In the mod, flying a chopper and accidentally hit the chat button when changing channel = panic & death. when typing you just twitch a bit forward, would've been bad if you walked a whole step or two, but you don't.

May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96703: [CRITICAL] Bullet does not originate from Rifle.

Remember that the bullets aren't originating from the ironsights/scopes, but from the barrel which is lower than the reticles. There can be some bugs with the solid position of rocks, buildings and terrain, but it's mostly the difference between the optics (which is mounted higher than the iron sights) that makes your gun hit the object. This happens too when barely leaning around a corner.

May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96679: Random rubber banding effect + tool bar issues.

Correct me if I'm wrong mods; To avoid the "invisible player" bug, when the server and client desyncs the server is forcing the player to the server side position, which won't be correct compared to the "client" (well it would be if you stand still during a desync) You're not able to switch weapon during a desync, and the 30m teleport is because of a small desync probably caused by a bottlenecked bandwidth.

May 10 2016, 9:12 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96679: Random rubber banding effect + tool bar issues.

This is because of desync guys. You're not able to open doors, or change weapons when you're desynced to the server.

May 10 2016, 9:12 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96672: Cloning ammo.

I was able to reproduce this event Kira. When you have a SKS on your back (empty), and one 10 round clip in your inventory;
-pick up another SKS in your hands,
-then load the SKS in your inventory by dragging the 10rnd clip in your inventory screen
-exit inventory screen and press R
-you will now load the empty SKS in your hands with another 10rnd clip.
-empty the SKS you have in your hands, and you've now got a spare clip.

This does hovewer seem to just work once, and only if you currently do not have any other clips for the SKS in your inventory (you'd be loading them instead, like it should be)

I hope you will be able to reproduce this scenario with my instruction.

May 10 2016, 9:12 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96625: ACOG reticle graphical glitch.

I noticed that this only occurs with a large FOV, as the crosshair itself then probably is smaller than 1px. I've countered this by decreasing the FOV which also makes the optics way lager. this could be fixed by using an universal FOV for zoomed optics, due to the possibility of abusing the FOV for better accuracy.

May 10 2016, 9:11 PM · DayZ
Oysterz edited Steps To Reproduce on T96625: ACOG reticle graphical glitch.
May 10 2016, 9:11 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T96558: Hacked items.

I found a stack with over 19000 5.56 bullets today. They were ruined though, but splitting the mag made half of them pristine. Both those bugs should be fixed asap

May 10 2016, 9:08 PM · DayZ
Oysterz added a comment to T87606: Character teleport to a previous spot.

If I'm not mistaken this is because of the fix to prevent "invisible players" so when desync is complete the server overrides the clients position, thus causing the rubber-banding. This probably happens in cities due to the larger amount of data transferred server-client client-server, making the connection bottleneck.
I've read that many containers and/or players increase bandwith at this current patch, but they're working on it guys.

May 10 2016, 3:46 PM · DayZ