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User Since
Dec 15 2015, 4:31 AM (483 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

Overcast edited Steps To Reproduce on T85467: Adjust stance in vehicles?.
May 10 2016, 12:38 PM · Arma 3
Overcast edited Steps To Reproduce on T85466: Bailing out at low speeds?.
May 10 2016, 12:38 PM · Arma 3
Overcast edited Steps To Reproduce on T85439: Cargo tower problems.
May 10 2016, 12:38 PM · Arma 3
Overcast added a comment to T85403: Clothing effects?.

Yeah thats about what your wearing, just throwing the idea around really, hoping they'll put that kind of thing in though, it kinda sucks having to keep ear plugs in on say King of the Hill to keep from going deaf yet still need to hear footsteps and all, but thats realistic I suppose

Oh by no means should they do it anytime soon XD There are... MANY more important things for them to do. I mean this is just an idea im sure they have their hands quite full what with Arma 3 almost done and DayZ standalone in limbo due to budget.

May 10 2016, 12:37 PM · Arma 3
Overcast added a comment to T85403: Clothing effects?.

Why an HUD for the Defender? If you havnt looked its literally the Protector helmet but the little eye pieces slide up into the helmet, while defender has them pulled out. I suppose they could have an HUD built into them but they look like just pieces of glass to protect your eyes (if rather uselessly). Now Tactical Glasses would be cool to have an HUD on I suppose but the game has an HUD by standard obviously so its hard to tell what an extra HUD could add to anything... maybe the on screen waypoints and squad hex's can show up in Elite difficulty if you wear the tac glasses?

May 10 2016, 12:37 PM · Arma 3
Overcast set Category to category:featurerequest on T85403: Clothing effects?.
May 10 2016, 12:37 PM · Arma 3
Overcast edited Steps To Reproduce on T85387: CSAT armor tougher than NATO.
May 10 2016, 12:36 PM · Arma 3
Overcast added a comment to T64458: Helmet-mounted flashlights..

This is a very good point since the only helmets that have those are the Light Combat Helmet and the Enhanced Combat Helmet, meaning recon AI would have it and more heavily armored NATO soldiers would as well, making sense in both fields really. And on multiplayer it would make you pick either a lighter helmet than what you may have for the light or make the heavier helmet that much more valuable as at the moment CSAT helmets have the lead in usefulness hands down.

May 10 2016, 1:25 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Overcast added a comment to T59479: [SUGGESTION] Open weapons as containers to grab attachments.

Yep, and Rebels, the "bad guys" wander around in broad daylight. Most RP it gets is they butt heads with the cops by doing shit that isnt technically illegal, like the same group of rebels held up the pub for quite a while, harassed a passing bounty hunter until he left since there was nothing he could do.

Its the stupidest shit but its the most popular. Only good thing about it is its interface and all is well designed, everythings organised and tidy like a CCG server usually is but just as eh to me.

May 9 2016, 6:58 PM · Arma 3
Overcast added a comment to T59479: [SUGGESTION] Open weapons as containers to grab attachments.

XD Yeah I got a bit tired of it, they dont even keep it actual roleplay, just make others do it. I literally am banned from AltisLife.UK for helping a couple of corrupt bounty hunters rack up 200k each between 4 of us by robbing another guy and vice versa. HOW we racked up the bounty was a bit out of roleplay but so is the system that you get a bounty with, you just get instantly reported apparently. That and that server will permanently ban you for both killing a police officer and/or taking an officers vest. I actually nabbed one off a police car once. Some cop was being a dick to some rebels (who killed me later) I had paid for an old uniform one didnt want.

Just goes to show even the supposed "serious roleplay community" cant keep it up. I myself really enjoy Exile. I get to loot all the time, kill the occasional dickhead and give some gear and/or tabs to newbies, teach em a bit about Arma 3 and all that. Nice way to end a day.

May 9 2016, 6:58 PM · Arma 3
Overcast added a comment to T59479: [SUGGESTION] Open weapons as containers to grab attachments.

Dr.Death... mightve seen you on Altis Life. Anyway I know that and im saying that you can do that. Long as its on the ground you can double click on the rifle and it opens its attachments

However you cant do this for a rifle in a crate or vehicle.

May 9 2016, 6:58 PM · Arma 3
Overcast added a comment to T59479: [SUGGESTION] Open weapons as containers to grab attachments.

Dunno how old this is but you can now grab sights off of fallen weapons, but you cant grab them from a rifle in a container,

May 9 2016, 6:58 PM · Arma 3