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- User Since
- Nov 29 2014, 1:50 PM (537 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
OguzD added a comment to T112358: NewUI doesnt work, game freezing.
Thanks pal.Just try few second ago:) Looks like will wait couple update
OguzD added a comment to T112358: NewUI doesnt work, game freezing.
same to me What is the solution
OguzD set Category to category:items on T109405: 0.55 exp. ICE AXE.
OguzD added a comment to T109055: [0.55 Exp] Punched out and killed by Far away zombie.
same to me
OguzD added a comment to T109053: (.55 Exp) Doors randomly open/close themselves whenever a player joins the server..
+1 Actually This is nice but if done with wind our some other cause
OguzD added a comment to T109051: Zombies have no foot step noises..
OguzD set Category to category:animations on T108263: "Blow air "animation.
OguzD added a comment to T108110: 0.54 Experimental Menu Freezes when joining Server.
same for me
OguzD added a comment to T108093: Game stuck when pressing "Connect" button..
Same as for me. But I am use Win 8. and DAYZ is not respond need restart from Task Manager
OguzD added a comment to T108074: EXP crashes when trying to connect to a server.
Same as for me. But I am use Win 8. and DAYZ is not respond need restart from Task Manager
OguzD set Category to category:structures on T105721: Cannot get in the house.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
OguzD added a comment to T101562: [SUGGESTION] zombies have realistic loot.