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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 4:55 AM (624 w, 2 d)
May 9 2016
Same issue but I'm on Windows 7 64bit
In what way is this urgent AND a severity of major? For f*ck sakes, stop abusing the feedback system during AN ALPHA RELEASE simply to complain about what the f*ck you want in the game. Devs make it how they want, your not God. The Devs don't give a sh*t about your complaint, this isn't some gaming forum to voice your opinion on a game, it's a way to fix real issues and game bugs. No one cares if you stop playing, and they aren't going to make any Standalones, It's your choice what server you play on, there's no reason to reduce the # of servers that use Wasteland..
I'm seriously wondering why the hell you think this is an urgent issue, and also, why the hell you think that your opinion is going to matter to the Devs, and, why the fuck can't you just click Join on another server rather than asking them to reduce the # of wasteland servers?....
Please, can you not put this at "high" priority? There are many much more severe issues such as i can't even play the game because it keeps crashing, that are being not seen because of simple things like this.
Again, I've posted this on other posts before, this isn't a high priority in any way, many people can't play the game or having tons of crashing issues and your "complaint" (at best is what i'd call it) is extremely minor, and while women's rights in a video game that does not really require women very much is a big issue to you, it is very minor to developers and people who are trying to fix the ALPHA version of a game, where crap like this isn't important in the slightest. Maybe the beta with a low priority but not a high priority on alpha.
Not sure if I did it correctly, but I added my rar with the files from the folder.
If anyone finds a way around this / fix then please tell because I would like to play. Thanks.
I may have (maybe) found a fix, I changed my resolution to match my total screen resolution, just scaled downwards because i'm in windowed, and switched it to that, and it seems to work, I've only joined succesfully once but i've only tried joining once since i changed my res, if you want to scale your resolution, i suggest going here:
Also happens to me the exact same thing.
I'm 64 bit, Windows 7 Home Premium, I'm playing in Windowed with pretty much all settings to the Lowest or Disabled(GFX Settings) Except for Render Resolution, which is at 100%. I'm also trying to join a 60 player server and immediately after it's done loading the mission, it crashes before I can do anything.
Edit: It's not only 60 player server's, I'm attempting to join Wasteland servers.