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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 8:18 AM (627 w, 23 h)
May 10 2016
I would like a choice to end the game or to keep playing (sandbox mode) and end the mission when i want to, so it doesnt stop while in a firefight etc.
May 9 2016
+1 for TOH!
My TrackIR wont work as well. Its a TRackIR 3, without the vector expansion, so i can't upgrade to the TrackIR 5 software. I'm at version 4.2.039 - Final.
Hope this will work eventually with Arma3
I've noticed that gpu usage seems to degrade over time, when i start out, gpu usage is around 99% and everything runs smooth (@1920x1200 all HIGH), but over time it drops to 30% GPU and fps performance drops as well understandably. (i7 950 + Nvidia 560TI). CPU is hardly used (25%) but not necessarily problem.
In my opinion the auto hover should also disengage when strong stick input is given, as in to quickly evade incoming fire. As it is we have to always press a button to disengage.
Under water looks a bit too clear overall, diver model edges look too sharp and there are hardly 'water noise particles' like bubbles, debris, plants, blurry stuff.
Reallife diving :
Agreed, got my head shot off multiple times
Something like Ghost Recon had, but smaller would be nice, and maybe some colors as above.
I would like a choice to end the game or to keep playing (sandbox mode) and end the mission when i want to, so it doesnt stop while in a firefight etc.