Not knowing if anything like this is a 'planned feature', but here is my suggestion: I think it would be great if the editor would offer more functionality without the need to get into the scripting part. A lot could be achieved with standard functions for events/triggers/ai behavior so it would be nice if these were available by way of pull-down menus with parameters.
For example:
On a unit:
[event] Waypoint (param) reached. [Action] board vehicle (param)
[event] Unit (param) detected. [Action] activate unit (param)
[event] Out of ammo. [Action] rearm at(param)
on a trigger
[event] triggered by unit(param). [Action] play sound (param)
[event] not triggered by time (param). [Action] set Unit (param) to continue
[event] unit (param) reached waypoint (param). [Action] objective (param) failed
[event] time is (param). [Action] load weatherpattern (param)
Take a look at the DCS-World editor and its advanced waypoints to kinda see what I mean. The idea is that it then is possible for a lot more players to create functional missions. Offcourse the 'real' scripting part would always be available.
This would also make mission building a lot faster.