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[Request] more editor functionality without scripting
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Not knowing if anything like this is a 'planned feature', but here is my suggestion: I think it would be great if the editor would offer more functionality without the need to get into the scripting part. A lot could be achieved with standard functions for events/triggers/ai behavior so it would be nice if these were available by way of pull-down menus with parameters.

For example:
On a unit:
[event] Waypoint (param) reached. [Action] board vehicle (param)
[event] Unit (param) detected. [Action] activate unit (param)
[event] Out of ammo. [Action] rearm at(param)

on a trigger
[event] triggered by unit(param). [Action] play sound (param)
[event] not triggered by time (param). [Action] set Unit (param) to continue
[event] unit (param) reached waypoint (param). [Action] objective (param) failed
[event] time is (param). [Action] load weatherpattern (param)


Take a look at the DCS-World editor and its advanced waypoints to kinda see what I mean. The idea is that it then is possible for a lot more players to create functional missions. Offcourse the 'real' scripting part would always be available.

This would also make mission building a lot faster.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

try to build a functional mission without typing code.

Event Timeline

Maronius edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 8 2013, 12:43 PM
Maronius edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Maronius set Category to Editor.
Maronius set Reproducibility to Always.
Maronius set Severity to Feature.
Maronius set Resolution to Open.
Maronius set Legacy ID to 3967429325.May 7 2016, 11:43 AM
Hanz added a subscriber: Hanz.May 7 2016, 11:43 AM
Hanz added a comment.May 14 2013, 1:49 PM

This suggestion was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.