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- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 9:59 PM (587 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
I might have noticed this in 113772. I put a couple of rounds into a guy, he fell over. I hit him with my fireaxe to be completely sure he was dead. Moments later his body dissapeared. I assumed he combat logged but it might be the same issue.
He might of not been dead, he probably disconnected. Are you sure the server was version 113860 and not 113822? In 113860 his body should of stayed regardless.
If you are completely sure it's 113860 then it most likely is a bug, yes.
Do these resemblance your issue?
Confirmed. It is quite annoying but can be avoided by turning sound down on VOIP entirely. People in direct-chat can still be heard that way.
What Felix said is relevant, I can confirm that. It's a minor bug and I think the devs would focus on bigger issues for now?
Animals are currently disabled, so I guess this is the reason of rabbits being immortal
I am pretty sure the devs are aware of this one. Rocket encountered that in one of his livestreams.
It's just a visual bug, it fixes itself if you wait long enough.
Experienced in 113822. Almost every single time I drop an item this happens. I have to run away form the item and slowly approach the area I dropped it for it to re-appear.
- I can confirm it's not due to 'lagg'
- I can confirm it happens on every single server on patch 113822, didn't happen that much on 113722.
It could be caused by server consistency being bad (Not ping related, as picking up items are instant)
However, this behaviour was not present as much in 113722 as it is in 113822. Can anyone else confirm that?