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- User Since
- Jul 20 2013, 7:37 PM (602 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Knoxcorner set Category to category:bugs on T116661: Small rover runs fine with no power.
May 11 2016, 2:31 PM · Restricted Project
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Knoxcorner added a comment to T70178: -skipintro causes \bin.config.bin.CfgSkeletons followed by client crash.
Use -nosplash instead
Knoxcorner added a comment to T70171: Bring back "Carry" / "Drag" feature.
"The only way this is possible in Arma 3 is by scripting, which is quite jerky and looks bad."
That's probably the reason why it's not in the game. Be patient, its safe to assume that most features in previous versions will also be in this version.
Knoxcorner added a comment to T70130: onPlayerJoined and onPlayerExit.
I also am having a problem with items dropping when players disconnect, allowing people to quickly relog and dupe them. removeAll... with this command would also save that problem that no one seems to be able to help me with.
Knoxcorner edited Steps To Reproduce on T70130: onPlayerJoined and onPlayerExit.
Knoxcorner added a comment to T70084: choppers are bouncing.
I also remember docks being glitch in ArmA 2. This AI always spawns partly inside the dock. Sometimes it's down to his feet, sometimes to his knees, sometimes to his bald head.