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- User Since
- Dec 12 2013, 10:38 AM (586 w, 5 d)
Nov 6 2017
Nov 6 2017
Nov 4 2017
Nov 4 2017
Kiory added a comment to T74446: Can't use a Colored specular map.
I've noticed that Bohemia added this project to Arma 3 back in 2016, can we get any news on this, or is it something you won't get around to?
Oct 27 2017
Oct 27 2017
Kiory updated the task description for T127003: Symbolic link issue..
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Kiory edited Steps To Reproduce on T80089: Requesting bolt action functionality on a config level.
Kiory edited Steps To Reproduce on T78673: Tanks are unable to make use of the drivingWheel source for animations (Steering).
Kiory added a comment to T74446: Can't use a Colored specular map.
This is something that would ramp up the quality of art assets, Robert has already explained how, and I wholeheartedly agree, this is something us artists need.
Please BI, consider implementing some sort of colour map for the specular colour channel or something similar, it would be great to see conductors react appropriately with light.