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User Details
- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 5:24 PM (623 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
KazumaKat edited Steps To Reproduce on T82433: Extremely random crash during play, SP/MP..
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
KazumaKat added a comment to T61457: Lack of feedback in 1st person as to your stance/sub-stance. Icon required.
It doesnt help that trying to search on this feedback page is nigh-impossible to begin with -_-
KazumaKat edited Steps To Reproduce on T61457: Lack of feedback in 1st person as to your stance/sub-stance. Icon required.
KazumaKat edited Steps To Reproduce on T61331: Major performance problem with destroyed/damaged buildings.
KazumaKat edited Steps To Reproduce on T60777: MP - Usage of VOIP works even when dead..
KazumaKat edited Steps To Reproduce on T59871: Ragdoll bodies have extreme environmental reaction when they move..
KazumaKat added a comment to T59637: Dedicated buttons for adjusting the stance up/down instead of a modifier button (CTRL).
modifier-mousewheel is a great idea, and would also facilitate smoother sub-stance adjustment
KazumaKat added a comment to T59599: Game crash tied to Geforce 500 series videocards, DX11 usage, and usually overclocking too..
File is larger than limit. Sent it to my Dropbox, link as follows: 7.47mb
Give it 5-so minutes from time of this post to upload completely. Arse-end of internet-nowhere and my internet bandwidth is slow compared to most other countries.
KazumaKat edited Steps To Reproduce on T59599: Game crash tied to Geforce 500 series videocards, DX11 usage, and usually overclocking too..