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- User Since
- Jul 13 2023, 12:15 PM (83 w, 3 d)
Dec 4 2023
One of 2 things could've/would've occurred, first, when you're still in the server as it goes down for a restart or crash(server crash), your character and whatever he's interacting with usually gets rolled back in time slightly, normally unnoticed while on foot, but if traveling at 50kmh, your Vic is usually a few hundred meters behind you on your traveled path. Secondly, and possibly more likely since you were playing on Official, the server went down while you were driving, you left/were kicked moments before the server actually goes down, and your Vic kept on keeping on..... and driving in official, with the complete lack of attention given by the devs to increasing the Vic's resistance to damage that wouldn't even dent a real Vic causing them to destroy probably hit a chicken crossing the road at a measley 20kmh and blew up (joking, they still haven't returned lighting a match to the fuel to explode Vic's) and despawned. (Still probably destroyed itself going 20kmh, just wasn't in a glorious ball of fire and area destruction, just itself and your gear)
Aug 7 2023
Jul 26 2023
See we're getting a couple new purses.... exciting 🙄
Jul 14 2023
Oh, and we still can't even boil our rice....
Point being.... have you seen the cooking update Scum has given their players? They can find and loot an assortment of different cookbooks, find and loot an assortment of different plants, fruits, veggies, sugar, flour, salt, pepper, garlic, butter, oils, bacon, everything, their horticulture and farming system....but then they have different gas and battery powered ovens and hot plates, and can cook a whole bunch of different dishes.... from teas, coffees, eggs, lasagna, steaks and kabobs, casseroles, literally dozens and dozens of things with all these different ingredients they can find, loot, grow, hunt ECT.....
I disagree about the LMG'S, I believe they can be added in such a way to make them rare enough on vanilla and or official, weight, sway(without bipods, which is easily enough to add, the modding community has already had them working forever now), wear...there are things that can be done to balance their use.... and even on heavily modded servers, most people don't run LMG'S, at most they run battle rifles like SA58's/FAL's with appropriate 50rd drums.