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- User Since
- Nov 5 2013, 9:51 PM (590 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
John_HeartlessSaint added a comment to T94173: Trapped in a House.
Yeah I had friends run down to help me... They had me run against the wall while they were on the other side and log... Then Poof I was FREE lol...
John_HeartlessSaint set Category to category:structures on T94173: Trapped in a House.
John_HeartlessSaint added a comment to T94100: Zombie Glitches.
AGAIN! I am DONE money down the drain
John_HeartlessSaint set Category to category:aibehavior on T94100: Zombie Glitches.
John_HeartlessSaint added a comment to T74233: Enhance Gameplay, Medic.............
I read that they don't have any plans of them doing it for Arma 3... If you can provide a link of them saying this please do...
John_HeartlessSaint added a comment to T74233: Enhance Gameplay, Medic.............
-Duck feature in vehicles
John_HeartlessSaint edited Steps To Reproduce on T74233: Enhance Gameplay, Medic.............