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- User Since
- May 9 2013, 7:22 AM (617 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Seems fixed with todays update.
This really needs to get fixed, it ruins a lot of scripts.
Executing nearestBuilding freezes my game for 30-60 seconds then it runs again.
Can't you just use addScore/addRating when players are allowed to teamkill?
Noticed an update, works great my end now... AWESOME work BI :D
I guess we can mark this ticket RESOLVED :)
Okay i did another test and it seems like that the problem only occur when your dedicated server and client is on same box.
So try start a dedicated server and the join with client from same box.
Then of course leave server and the re-join and play to see if thats possible!
Hitting high chest/neck area results in a "hand_l" hit...
May 9 2016
This is not something i really really would like to see in ArmA but i guess adding a knife and a stabbing animation wouldn't hurt anybody :)
Better having this A3 unrealisticly fast grenade throwing than being stuck in the A2 throwing animation.