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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 2:08 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T62155: Several Inventory bugs like being unable to pick up Stuff or Ammo thats not picked up automaticly.
J-man added a comment to T62149: Backpack glitch.
No, I played as Bluefor. I think this has nothing to do with the Faction, btw. I picked up and Bluefor aswell as an Opfor backpack.
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T62149: Backpack glitch.
J-man added a comment to T62009: silenced weapons are not stealthy, Difficult to make silent kill.
Well, then BI should add real silencers!
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T61713: Character clips through the car roof.
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T61670: Clipping explosion crates on the ground when multiple explosives have been used.
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T61667: AT Mine doesn´t blow up when other explosives are used.
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T61660: AT Mine is too slow for a driving vehicle.
J-man added a comment to T60617: Grass Draw distance Should be max..
I think you are right! I have a High-end-gaming PC and I can play with everything on max.
but I still see this ugly "naked" ground, and they are rendering the Trees and rocks too. That means it has to be possible to have far away grass. They could use
shader, or 4 poly-grass planes that cover a lager space of ground and additional the ground could have grass-like textures on it to make it look like actual grass.
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T60476: RM-click on binoculars doesn´t work.
J-man edited Steps To Reproduce on T60466: The AI in the mission "Escape from Stratis" is not working correctly.