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User Since
Feb 12 2014, 8:21 AM (575 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

HEZUS added a comment to T97070: Zombies spawn around you after you shoot.

It happens when u kill a zen with a melee weapon as well. Happened to me when I was slinging away with my trusted pitchfork...the zed kept on coming at me from all around, one at a time.

May 10 2016, 9:26 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T95359: The 'Search' option in this forum is pretty much useless...

Well the logic seems to have failed. If you search 'zombies' and count the total amount of hits (ctrl + f) in the reports, the ones with less can be higher up on the list than the ones with more hits and vice the descriptions including the word are nowhere near the top of the list. Not all of them at least.

So if there is a logic it sure seems to be a crooked one...or maybe it's just me O_o

May 10 2016, 8:28 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T95359: The 'Search' option in this forum is pretty much useless...

Oh damit...I actually forgot :P

May 10 2016, 8:28 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T95359: The 'Search' option in this forum is pretty much useless...

Although now that I tried using 'search' and 'filter' I couldn't see any results referring to the search tool...?

May 10 2016, 8:28 PM · DayZ
HEZUS edited Steps To Reproduce on T95359: The 'Search' option in this forum is pretty much useless...
May 10 2016, 8:28 PM · DayZ
HEZUS edited Steps To Reproduce on T95357: Items quality degrading to ruined after falling and going through water.
May 10 2016, 8:28 PM · DayZ
HEZUS edited Steps To Reproduce on T95279: Vitamin bottles duplicating.
May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
HEZUS edited Steps To Reproduce on T95149: Rags quality change when stacking and splitting.
May 10 2016, 8:20 PM · DayZ
HEZUS edited Steps To Reproduce on T95068: Running glitch?.
May 10 2016, 8:18 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T94879: Zombies are alerted / attack when you zoom in on them..

Yes I know how to report but as I stated the search engine is a bit...umm...not too good to put it nicely. I put up a "bug" report about it ( I would've searched for other reports about it but...well... :/ )

May 10 2016, 8:11 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T94879: Zombies are alerted / attack when you zoom in on them..

I've noticed the very same; sometimes they aggro from "a mile" away when zooming into them and sometimes zed just don't seem to care about you at all. They just stand their back turned to u and don't do squat even if u go within 2 meters from them.

I was chased by 3 zeds and they seemed to lose interest after a short sprint. When I stopped to make sure I noticed that they all, 1 by 1, started to run towards me again. The distance was probably around 200 - 300 meters.

Is there a guide on how to report and what not? Cause I guess I could report this issue (zed not reacting at all) but Iäve said it here now and the so called search engine for this "forum" is totally useless...

May 10 2016, 8:11 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T94602: Dead bodies disappears when killed withing 30 seconds.

The zed seem to dissapear after 5 seconds but I guess that's intentional? I guess they dont have any loot on them at the moment...?

May 10 2016, 7:59 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T93719: Hunger bug strikes again.

So what?

May 10 2016, 7:28 PM · DayZ
HEZUS added a comment to T90961: Melee Combat Issue.

Especially with the splitting axe the actual point of impact is way of to the top right corner of the aiming point. That TOTALLY sucks...

May 10 2016, 5:50 PM · DayZ