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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 12:25 AM (623 w, 3 d)
Sep 23 2017
If I find time I will try it but I have only gotten the error in multiplayer connected to a dedicated server
Sep 20 2017
another one where other players crashed as well
Most recent memory crash with latest version.
Aug 7 2017
Jul 10 2017
Jul 4 2017
some server crashes{F68563}
Jul 2 2017
More memory crashes with latest patch
Mar 23 2017
Again out of memory after connecting to server and just sitting in mission not doing anything.
with 64bit patch 1.68 just got a crash
Feb 24 2017
couple more dump files.
Feb 21 2017
We only play my mission Enemy Assault on altis when this happens. We use RHS and Fir aircraft mods but mission can be played vanilla. I have gotten errors on starting the game up as well.
Enemy Assault
Dec 12 2016
the problem is definitely with the use of
class Params
Dec 11 2016
I finally got some time to test things a bit more. I can confirm its the mission we have on the server but this mission worked fine prior to this bug report. So something with BIS Revive must be causing the issue. Any other guidance on the revive error?
Dec 4 2016
only those two files.
Dec 3 2016
in my missions description.ext i do have
class Params
#include "\a3\Functions_F\Params\paramRevive.hpp"
Dec 1 2016
Issue still exists with patch 1.66
Issue still exists with patch 1.66
Nov 18 2016
This is still an issue. Any updates?
This is still an issue. Any updates?
Oct 11 2016
same after hotfix and i did validate as well.
With and without mods. Same issue noticed hotfix gonna do more testing.
I validated both server and client same issue so far
yes, I will try it again.
Oct 8 2016
those are the only two files that were created when the issue happened
Oct 7 2016
Sep 23 2016
With update 1.64 this is still a valid issue. Please allow scripted charges to settimer like it was prior to 1.62
Jul 13 2016
May 10 2016
Ok I feel like an idiot now. I saw the error prior to 1.54 about the third param but never got around to changing it mainly because it did not affect anything. Then the patch comes out and it doesnt work. Thank you so much for the info but one more question. All of the tasks in my mission are created on the server side and via functions. They will not work unless I init.sqf execVM "shk_taskmaster.sqf"; even though I do not use its functions. Is there an initialization that has to happen before scripted tasks can work?
Everything works great now. I apparently was missing a line waituntil for a shk_taskmaster function thus halting BIS tasks from functioning along with other things. Thanks for your help.
_position_mark = _this select 0;position to search buildings around
_rad = _this select 1;radius around position to search for buildings
_locselname = _this select 2;//name of location
_intelarray = ["Land_Suitcase_F"];//,"Land_Laptop_unfolded_F","Land_Laptop_F","Land_FilePhotos_F","Land_File1_F","Land_File2_F"
//create random number
_rnum = str(round (random 999));
//select random intel
_intelsel = _intelarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
create intel
_intelobj = createVehicle [_intelsel,[_position_mark select 0, _position_mark select 1, 0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_veh_name = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (_intelsel) >> "displayName");
_VarName = ("ghst_intel" + _rnum);
_intelobj setVehicleVarName _VarName;
_intelobj Call Compile Format ["%1=_This;",_VarName];
missionNamespace setVariable [_VarName,_intelobj];
publicVariable _VarName;
//create task
_tsk = "tsk_intel" + _rnum + str(_position_mark);
_tasktopic = format ["Find %1 in %2", _veh_name,_locselname];
_taskdesc = format ["Search the buildings in %2 for %1. Pay attention to the floors.", _veh_name,_locselname];
_position_mark would equal an actual position such as getposatl _intelobject.
Prior to 1.54 all tasks worked flawlesly so how did the structure change? Also looking at the function viewer line 175 of File A3\functions_f\Tasks\fn_setTaskLocal.sqf, line 175 has the typo =+
Issue sounds somewhat similar to this post
If you look at the rpt20140716.7z it is a crash after about 27 minutes no mods. All crashes were on a dedicated server running no mods as well.
this is basically the same issue as So this is actually a duplicate.
For some reason BI decided to disable the finding of many map objects using various commands. They claim it increases performance. In reality it reduces what we can do with our missions. I had a system to find wrecks on the map and create objectives around them. But that is no more now I have to place them myself which is absurd. Please BI bring back the option to find all objects on map.
Where is this reported? Also its not that easy some times as mentioned
Exactly. That is the problem. Why cant both commands be global effect? two patches ago this was not an issue. So whatever they did the patch before this last one broke it. Would have been nice if they mentioned this in the changelog.
This still seems to be an issue. I spawn and immediately setcaptive a unit yet they are still being killed.
please fix this. I even tried to spawn a blufor unit under civilian group with same results.