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Admin Server Commands not working properly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since the last patch I am unable to properly control the dedicated server using admin commands like #missions, #restart ect.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Start a dedicated server. connect to dedicated server as client and Login as admin. start a mission. once mission is in progress try to use the command #missions in chat to go back to mission select screen. Try #restart or #reassign. Nothing will happen but a server crash report. Server does not seem to go down though as there is no indication.

Event Timeline

Ghost created this task.Oct 7 2016, 10:54 PM
Ghost changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.Oct 7 2016, 10:58 PM

Jawsh added a subscriber: Jawsh.Oct 8 2016, 4:27 AM

@Ghost, could you also upload the arma3server.mdmp file? It is important that the developers have the 3 files with the same time stamp. You won't be able to upload the file itself, but you can add it to a ZIP file, or upload to a file sharing service such as Dropbox and then link to it.

Ghost added a comment.Oct 8 2016, 6:18 PM

those are the only two files that were created when the issue happened

razazel claimed this task.Oct 11 2016, 11:22 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


did you verify integrity of the game cache for the server as well as the admin client?

Ghost added a comment.Oct 11 2016, 4:32 PM

yes, I will try it again.

Ghost added a comment.Oct 11 2016, 5:44 PM

I validated both server and client same issue so far

Ghost added a comment.Oct 11 2016, 5:55 PM

With and without mods. Same issue noticed hotfix gonna do more testing.

Ghost added a comment.Oct 11 2016, 6:04 PM

same after hotfix and i did validate as well.

Ghost added a comment.Nov 18 2016, 6:13 PM

This is still an issue. Any updates?

Ghost added a comment.Dec 1 2016, 7:01 PM

Issue still exists with patch 1.66

This one is most odd, I have not seen any similar reports.

We are using these commands on daily basis and have not encountered a client or server crash.

Do you have any recent RPTs? I have seen an error in the previous ones regarding a revive params, it might be worth checking it out now, however this error would seem to indicate something is wrong with your game data.
Also, is this happening in all the missions or only in some MP missions?

Ghost added a comment.Dec 3 2016, 5:44 PM

in my missions description.ext i do have
class Params

#include "\a3\Functions_F\Params\paramRevive.hpp"


but that is a valid path and functions normal

Ghost added a comment.Dec 3 2016, 5:47 PM

Jawsh added a comment.EditedDec 4 2016, 3:33 AM

@Ghost, also attach the arma3server.mdmp file. It will not upload by itself, but you can archive (zip) it with the other two files. It is important that whenever you upload crash dumps you upload all three files with the same time stamp.

Edit: Unless it was not created yet again.

Ghost added a comment.Dec 4 2016, 7:39 PM

only those two files.

I finally got some time to test things a bit more. I can confirm its the mission we have on the server but this mission worked fine prior to this bug report. So something with BIS Revive must be causing the issue. Any other guidance on the revive error?

snippet from description.ext

respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 5;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Ghst_recover_gear"};//,"menuInventory"
respawnOnStart = -1;
ReviveMode = 1;                         //0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: controlled by player attributes
ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0;         //0: basic, 1: advanced, 2: realistic
ReviveRequiredTrait = 0;                //0: none, 1: medic trait is required
ReviveRequiredItems = 2;                //0: none, 1: medkit, 2: medkit or first aid kit
ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1;     //0: first aid kit is not consumed upon revive, 1: first aid kit is consumed
ReviveDelay = 6;                        //time needed to revive someone (in secs)
ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2;         //speed multiplier for revive performed by medic
ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 5;            //time needed to perform force respawn (in secs)
ReviveBleedOutDelay = 180;              //unconscious state duration (in secs)

the problem is definitely with the use of
class Params

#include "\a3\Functions_F\Params\paramRevive.hpp"

with that line removed everything seems to work fine. Mission loads up quicker as well.

I have been seeing the same issue with paramRevive.hpp on a mission. works well on SP and MP but on dedicated server (linux) leads to problems, If I don't remove that line or the mission containing that line I can't use the server at all.

please let me know if you need me to share logs

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 18 2020, 11:10 AM