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- User Since
- Dec 31 2013, 12:38 PM (586 w, 20 h)
May 28 2023
Jun 6 2022
A hypothesis as to why this might be happening:
May 10 2016
This appears to be fixed in version 1.38. Can anyone else confirm?
Still present in version 1.32.
How about a new ticket suggesting the default be set to something reasonable like 100kb for faces? I'm less familiar with the custom sounds interface.
Rogerx, on my server, it took me a while to find the server configuration parameter that allows custom face files. The default allowed size is 0kb. I suspect most people don't know how to change the default value.
Still present in version 1.14
Still present in version 1.10.
A command for setLightBlinkRate would also help. It would be especially helpful with an on time and an off time.
_light setLightBlinkRate[1,2];
//on for 1 second, off for 2
Rogerx: I understand your point.
To be clear, me mapping the PTT button was simply a troubleshooting step. I should have noted, very explicitly, that anytime I could get my PTT button to work was an indication that my controls were working correctly (which I did indeed verify).
I also noted MP in my write-up because that's the only way I've tested things, personally. I have not done any testing in SP.
Hajimoto: As oukej notes, there is a workaround so you can keep flying:
-Only modify your controller mapping from the main menu, right as you start ARMA 3. So long as you don't enter the controls menu after you've started a mission, you should be fine (Note I've only tested this in MP). It's mildly inconvenient, but I've been having good luck with it.
This has worked successfully for me for 3 days now, for a couple of hours a day. (Is my experience unique? Can someone confirm this workaround works regularly for them also?)
A troubleshooting note: To be very clear, I can get my controller to drop out 100% of the time by entering the controls menu while in a MP session.
Hi, I have some specific symptoms relating to this issue that I'd like to share:
Background: I've tried all the proposed fixes: regedit power setting fixes, USB 2 & USB 3 ports, power management tweaks, driver reinstallations, latest BIOS and latest Mobo drivers, etc. I've also tried enabling and disabling various USB features in my BIOS. These are "Legacy USB support", "Legacy USB 3.0 Support" and "EHCI hand-off".
None of these methods appeared to have any impact on the frequency or regularity of my joystick becoming un-recognized by ARMA. For reference, I'm using an ASUS P9X79 Pro mobo. The USB for my Saitek X55 stick and throttle are plugged into the mobo USB ports (again, I've tried USB 2 and USB 3 with no apparent impact).
I'm running Windows 8.1 with all the latest prescribed and optional Windows updates.
Now for a *slight* bit of progress: I've noticed some specific behavior that I didn't see listed above. I apologize if people knew this and I missed it:
In order to troubleshoot this a bit, I mapped my radio PTT to a button on my joystick.
During all testing, I can go into my configuration>controller settings before starting a mission without issue. I can see the throttle and stick in the controller list, and I can assign keybinds to the buttons.
If I go to my MP server and push the PTT button, I see the text indication that I'm transmitting. The PTT button being functional correlated to my controls being correctly functional during each test.
This is true during loading screens where VON works, and once the session actually loads.
If I go to Configuration>Controller anytime after the mission starts, my joystick and throttle disappear from the controller list and become non-functional.
Here are the succinct steps to reproduce what I'm seeing:
- Start ARMA 3
- (Before starting a MP mission) Go to Configuration>Controllers and observe joystick/throttle listed in directory
- In configuration, keybind something on the joystick to act as the VON PTT
- Load a MP scenario (I've been loading into a dedicated server only. I have not tested this behavior in SP)
- Press previously mapped PTT button (expected behavior based on what I've seen is correct function of VON PTT). This indicates controls are functioning correctly. You can fly an aircraft to verify. (The PTT check is just "quicker")
- Go to configuration>controls. Expected behavior based on my experience is you will no longer see your joystick/throttle in the controller list.
- After exiting configuration options, joystick is no longer responsive (PTT or otherwise).
Another note: Once I load into a MP scenario, I've let ARMA sit for about 30 minutes without seeing a loss in my noted PTT behavior above (IE my controller still seems to work). Note that I did not go to my configuration options nor get in a vehicle.
UPDATE: I just flew around in various helicopters for about an hour, crashed/died a few times and my controls worked fine until I went into configuration>controls. The moment I did, my joystick stopped functioning.
I hope this helps! Thank you BIS for helping un-futz this problem!
Still exists in 1.10