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- User Since
- Feb 8 2014, 2:36 AM (576 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
F1VEpointFIVE6 added a comment to T95716: Game crashes in near balota barn.
I've had this happen also on multiple occasions. For me, it's always near the fence, hill side of Balota runway, opposite end of the tents. Game will become unresponsive, requiring a force quit of the DayZ process. I will spawn back in somewhere near that area, and if I get too close it will crash again.
F1VEpointFIVE6 added a comment to T95463: Ammo container holding 0 rounds.
This seems to now be a resolved issue based on duplicate feedback.
F1VEpointFIVE6 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95463: Ammo container holding 0 rounds.
F1VEpointFIVE6 added a comment to T95448: Emptying magazine makes the ammo disappear.
F1VEpointFIVE6 added a comment to T94736: Cheater abusing the game and destory our experiences about the game.
This looks more like an advertisement for "cheats" than a bug report...
F1VEpointFIVE6 added a comment to T94734: Bigs fps drops, Extreme lag, Game Crash (After 0.34.115106 Update).
Also experiencing this. Frame rates usually in low teens when normally 60-70 on "High" graphical setting.
i7-2600 @ 3.4GHz
Nvidia 560ti in SLI
Didn't ever happen before last patch, so must be directly related.
F1VEpointFIVE6 edited Steps To Reproduce on T94727: Clothing items will not appear in vicinity and user cannot pick them up..
F1VEpointFIVE6 added a comment to T91953: force drink = vanishing canteen.
Also can confirm.