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User Since
Dec 30 2013, 4:35 PM (586 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

Elwo added a comment to T93949: Vest clipping when crouch walking and aiming down the sights in 1st person mode.

Confirmed, happens everytime

May 10 2016, 7:36 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T93023: What's going on with that "Guest's" spam?.

Exactly, there should be at least captcha when posting a comment.

May 10 2016, 6:57 PM · DayZ
Elwo edited Steps To Reproduce on T93023: What's going on with that "Guest's" spam?.
May 10 2016, 6:57 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T92319: Aiming view with optical scope is overlapped with some textures or geometry.

Screenshots ffs... was it too hard to do?I've never encountered that problem, so how do i know i should vote up? Gimmie some pics

May 10 2016, 6:35 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T92079: Warm/cold check of player corpse.

Exactly Solo, I was about to say the same

May 10 2016, 6:28 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T92079: Warm/cold check of player corpse.

I agree, it would be very useful. Vote up(+)

May 10 2016, 6:28 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91565: Critical, game breaking, full character duplication bug. ANYBODY can do this at ANY TIME..

What retard voted down? -.-

May 10 2016, 6:10 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91484: Feedback: Allow guns to spawn anywhere, nerf Military spawns..

"Military comes to town to protect the citizens. Asks them to group in an easy to protect facility like a school. DIES IN THE DEFENSE OF THE SCHOOL and their weapons are left for YOU to loot.

It's not hard to argue and it's not illogical. YOU SIMPLY DON'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN."

Well TITAN, that's ridiculous. Please explain to me then - how did it happen that defender put the gun on the shelf, and then took it's magazine out? Or maybe zeds did that? Seriously - what the fuck guys. There should be a magazine lying close on the ground because it doesnt make any fucking sense right now.

Im not saying to dislable the weapons spawn in cities - im saying that there should be more civilian weapons like pistols and shotguns (and again - not that US/NATO shit, i mean old 2barrel shotguns or some hunting rifles).

There's nothing worse than exploring former soviet state, and the only usefull thing you'll find is M-fucking-4. AK47 - Scorpion - Bizon - SKS - Dragunov these are the weapons that are fitting to the environment. I hate when some 'us fans' want to have m24, DMR, M14, m249, in this game.

Oh i forgot. 90% of dayz players are CoD - BF fanboys. I got my answer now.

PS What the fuck is that spam shit?

May 10 2016, 6:08 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91484: Feedback: Allow guns to spawn anywhere, nerf Military spawns..

@Phugoid - maybe it is logical, but we don't know the latest history of Chernarus, what caused the infection etc. Maybe people in this country were so suprised that they didn't had a chance to react to the danger. We know shit honestly. That is why I'm against that idea. Right now 'some ppl' are talking about what they want to add, their personal desires. That's not why we are here for.

BTW - weapons are already spawning in cities (school/post office and in the fire station). You don't even have to go to the Balota or NWAF. I've actually have been about 2 times in Balota. Why? Because there's no need for that.

It may seem wierd to you, what I'm saying, but that's because im highly against any hi-tech weapons and 'weapons everywhere' situation. I think that long range scope + acog are enough. But devs are likely going to add some retarded TWS (Thermal scope). I don't want standalone to become another dayzmod deathmatch.

But I agree that mosin and other hunting rifles should have a low chance to spawn in barns etc. In cities though, small arms would be more apropriate.


May 10 2016, 6:08 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91484: Feedback: Allow guns to spawn anywhere, nerf Military spawns..

Well, I don't think we'll ever understand each other. If you simply ask me - yes, game mechanics are more important to me than realism (because that game is far away from any kind of realism - but still closer than any other game). If you want realism, please get out (i'm not trying to offend you), in this game it's impossible.

I would really like to have like real-life-apocalypse simulator, but i guess i'd hate it. In game like DayZ, you can't simply find a weapon anywhere, beacause it's beaking the game. I don't want to see everyone with full gear. I think that weapons should be extremly rare. But in that case, noone would play DayZ SA.

In the other hand. take a place where you live. Let's say you're the only one left in this place, and there is tons of zombies around you. What do you think, how much time would it take to actually find a weapon? I bet it would be a while.

You simply cannot make a true realistic game. If you do, it'll break many of the good aspects of the game, and I'm sure that you would rather like a comfortable gameplay than a realistic one.

I'm not going to respond further as there are more important things to do.

Cheers! :D

May 10 2016, 6:08 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91484: Feedback: Allow guns to spawn anywhere, nerf Military spawns..

Yeah, there is nothing better than an m4a1 spawning along with canned beans and motorbike helmets in buildlings that are already falling apart. Maybe they should have spawn randomly on the ground? Why not huh?

Basicly - a retarded idea, if you can't manage to find weapon then just fucking admit it. It's true that in this moment spawns are fucked up, but hey, it's alpha right? -.- Loot spawning is currenyly under progress, there isn't even half of the whole items that devs intend to put in the game, lol.

If you still don't get it - more items in game = more balanced loot system.

Vote down (-)

May 10 2016, 6:08 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91484: Feedback: Allow guns to spawn anywhere, nerf Military spawns..

Oh, and one more thing. Guys, it's post-soviet country. Why the fuck do you even want m4's in here? Where are weapons such as AK47, SKS, Bizon and many other? Why are there military bases filled with NATO weapons?

Fuck logic

May 10 2016, 6:08 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91299: Mosin 9130 bugs.

I can confirm this. Happened to me several times, durning firefights ;/

May 10 2016, 6:01 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91274: Ladder climb from behind walls.

Yep, and the fire stations have also this issue. You can get on the second floor and then walk to the wall and you can see "Climb up" message in action menu.

Vote up!

May 10 2016, 6:00 PM · DayZ
Elwo edited Steps To Reproduce on T91212: Duplicating your character, items - game breaker.
May 10 2016, 5:58 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T91082: This bug will make you stand in place and spin in circels..

It happened to me today, i was sprinting with my fists, when my character was moved back and spinning around. Nothing worked so i had to alt+f4

May 10 2016, 5:54 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T90936: Using alcohol tincure (or whatever it's called) when uninjured causes temporary sickness.

I think that there should be other text message showing up in inventory manager rather than 'sick', for example Disinfecting wounds or something like that

May 10 2016, 5:49 PM · DayZ
Elwo added a comment to T90930: Interesting issue regarding 100k desync *Confirmed Fix in notes*.

I read half of the comments, and I can confirm.
Random desync, related to items/players having some specific items etc.

I met up with my friend, gave him blood bag, and he asked me where am I. I could see how he moved, but he only saw me later when my glitched character was running across the airfield, while I was standing right next to him. Wierd.

May 10 2016, 5:49 PM · DayZ