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- User Since
- Mar 9 2014, 4:34 AM (576 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
EchoSabre set Category to category:animations on T96119: Vehicles.
EchoSabre set Category to category:animations on T96118: Stacking stuff on each other, building shelter, chopping down things..
EchoSabre set Category to category:animations on T96117: [Suggestion] Fishing.
EchoSabre set Category to category:movement on T96116: Drinking from bodies of water, ponds, lakes is impossible.
EchoSabre set Category to category:characters on T96114: After dying, you're second last profile emerges.
EchoSabre set Category to category:general on T96113: Suicide option only under certain circumstances.
EchoSabre set Category to category:multiplayer on T96111: Died, but not respawning.
EchoSabre set Category to category:items on T96110: Machete doesn't chop up zombie or wood, etc.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96108: The Jumping System.
EchoSabre set Category to category:general on T96107: Lack of probable animals to hunt.
EchoSabre set Category to category:ingameui on T96106: Lack of health status, lack of option to enable/disable necessary in-game HUDS.
EchoSabre set Category to category:general on T96105: Lack of building, breaking things.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96104: Spray Paint animation.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96103: Falling off light tower.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96102: Weird blue, stripe screen after exiting game.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96100: Random wire fence sound throughout the game.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96099: Items spawns a bit predictable, items on top of closets/racks.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96098: Zombie collision system.
EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce on T96097: Weird ricochet sound when hitting objects with a weapon.