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Weird ricochet sound when hitting objects with a weapon
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The sound of a bullet ("pew") is played when you hit walls, concrete, mailboxes, trees, and pretty much every solid object. It sounds as though someone shot a bullet, it ricocheted off the floor, and whizzed by.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Say for example I chose a splitting axe, a hydrant, a baseball bat, a monkey wrench, a crowbar, a machete, etc.

If I were to hit it against walls, doors, mailboxes, etc, it would make a sharp ricochet sound of a bullet shot (that pew sound when it bounces off).

This happens even with using your fist to hit things, and you actually see the dent of a bullet at the area of impact.

Additional Information

This can be very confusing to players because it will serve as a false alarm, as though a nearby enemy is shooting at them.

Hitting objects such as walls should all have distinct sounds. Especially if it is going to be dirt, grass, concrete, metal, and ceramic. All of them should sound either like a blunt thud, a whack, a whip, a crack, or the sound of things splintering. Not a "pew" haha. I guarantee you can hit any object an it will all sound like a bullet shot.

Event Timeline

EchoSabre edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 9 2014, 4:48 AM
EchoSabre edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
EchoSabre set Category to Sound.
EchoSabre set Reproducibility to Always.
EchoSabre set Severity to None.
EchoSabre set Resolution to Duplicate.
EchoSabre set Legacy ID to 804195746.May 8 2016, 5:29 PM
R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 5:29 PM
R834 added a comment.Mar 9 2014, 12:46 PM

This has been reported previously - make sure to search before opening new issues.

Closing as duplicate of #0000876: Gunshot noises from punching and hitting with axe

Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, and add any extra information in the notes section.
