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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 2:37 AM (585 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
DarkfireDT added a comment to T88224: Client stutter.
Confirmed on multiple server.
DarkfireDT edited Steps To Reproduce on T88004: Remove Shirt / Shoes / Pants, items disappear.
DarkfireDT set Category to category:environment on T87373: Log out upstairs in house. Log back in, trapped in room.
DarkfireDT added a comment to T86769: Cannot Attack Zombies.
This took place on a full server (40/40). 60 ping.
DarkfireDT edited Steps To Reproduce on T86769: Cannot Attack Zombies.
DarkfireDT added a comment to T86472: Flashlight beam frozen in place.
I've seen the flashlight beam laying on the ground with no flashlight nearby.