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- User Since
- May 11 2013, 8:16 PM (615 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Lol that needs fixing. I'm actually surprised to even see the building have a collapsing animation, figured it was just an instant change in states.
Please see and upvote this ticket so we can get all these problems resolved. It fixes all shadow based issues:
This video outlines the issue where objects casting Stencil shadows do not cast on the first person player model and weapon. Very annoying.
Freddy Krueger fingers! Once seen, can never be unseen.
Please BI no more stencil shadows, do it for the kids scared of Freddy Krueger!
Dr. Death, which ticket are you talking about. If the one linked by simast, then don't be silly. The problem in that ticket is a consequence of what my ticket is trying to resolve, just in a bigger picture.
Please don't down vote a legitimate ticket (one that resolves MANY other tickets single-handedly) all because of some petty internet quarrel.
This absolutely has to be looked at. It's critical to any AI based combat, because it breaks the gameplay completely. Very unsatisfying, and also makes stealth impossible.
Please look at this BI and do something about it, preferably before Gold!
Please up-vote this ticket to fix this creepy hands bug and many other shadow related problems, this is the real problem, not some low poly model:
The problem with your creepy-hands ticket (lol) is that the player model is rendered using Stencil shadows. These are CPU intensive to calculate so the developers use lower poly count models to render them. The result is creepy fingers shadows.
The real solution is in my ticket that I linked. This is to fully transition to Shadow Maps rendering. All the work (well mostly all of it) is put on the GPU. Not only does this mean better performance for almost everyone, but it also means proper models are used for the shadow maps. No more creepy fingers!
Please close this ticket and up-vote mine to really help improve the performance and visual quality of Arma 3!
Even a simple projector casting a texture map over the environment is better than nothing. Just imagine the effect it has on distant visuals versus the flat lit environment.
We need cloud shadows BI. Please make it happen :)
May 9 2016
Aeleas do you think you could add to your ticket a request for some type of feedback when toggling fire modes? Something along the lines of a minor animation "twitch" and audio feedback?
I completely agree with this ticket, but think it should be taken the step further and complete the package. There should be some minor animation for toggling states accompanied with sound.
I was genuinely amazed to find out Arma 3 didn't support this. This is something so critical to a game which emphasizes realistic gameplay. It's not even like it's a slightly minuscule element to weapons, it's huge and simply denying it like Arma 3 currently does is to deny the physics behind how weapons work.
Up-voted and hope to see this implemented before the game is released.