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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 12:28 PM (624 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Well, to rebalance the discussion, ArmA2 assets represent a huge ready-made resource that can extend the interest and lifespan of ArmA3, at relatively little cost. It's not massive amounts of work, as it already is almost compatible. As BIS is a business it might come down to a pure business decision - hopefully from my PoV.
I'm highly in favour of this task. A lot of community interest resides in current technology, and ArmA2/OA assets amount to a huge resource. It will bolster game sales to have previous content available, whether that be by community effort, official porting, or even a purchase DLC IMO.
May 9 2016
Found this last night: if you lower your weapon and walk forward, right-clicking to go to optics puts you into a permanent walking forward action that is difficult to get out of.