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- User Since
- Jan 26 2016, 1:51 AM (473 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
ChaplinLIVE set Category to category:featurerequest on T104482: Private Shard rules/ player count options.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
ChaplinLIVE added a comment to T93797: Error: Confirmation of Changes // Cannot load material file dz\character\headgear\data\militaryberet_mz.rvmat..
17 days later, can this please be acknowledged by the DayZ Dev Team? It's bad enough that I've taken the time to try and keep this post alive but that I have had to for 17 days?
Please recognise this post! I still get this error in-game!
ChaplinLIVE added a comment to T85934: Arma3Tools.exe refuses to open.
Thanks for the speedy reply,
It appears that 9 files failed. Not sure how that came about, but it is able to stay open again! I'll remember that step next time. I'll give it a couple of hours and see if anything changes, but for now it looks good!
ChaplinLIVE edited Steps To Reproduce on T85934: Arma3Tools.exe refuses to open.