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Sep 19 2014, 4:57 PM (545 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

CaptainHector added a comment to T107153: fireplace kits inoperable.

"[–]V01t45 6 points 7 days ago

The way to get firekit to transform to fireplace is as follows: 1) place firekit on the ground 2) hold either three firewood in your hands/or hold five sticks in your hands 3) aim at firekit and use action menu ("scroll wheel") and choose craft fireplace 4) you should now have a functional fireplace Take care though, fireplace now uses up the firewood and/or stick that you put inside of it and will burn only for a time, depending on the amount of fuel provided. As long as you supply it with fuel, the fireplace can be re-ignited.

May 11 2016, 3:26 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector added a comment to T105165: Stuck inside a Cherno high-rise (Dubky).

WOOT! I got out!!!!

I am not 100% sure how I did it but while I was running around in that room glitching through partially made furniture I somehow teleported into the next room and was able to do a very tight prone-crawl out of the patio.

BOOOOHYA, You can call me the glitch-slapper!

May 11 2016, 2:09 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector added a comment to T105165: Stuck inside a Cherno high-rise (Dubky).

Oh well... time to try and throw all my valuables out the window.

May 11 2016, 2:09 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector added a comment to T105165: Stuck inside a Cherno high-rise (Dubky).

I am online right now and I am fairly active.... I would really like to continue playing my character without having to off myself.

Just hoping for some sort of response here.......

May 11 2016, 2:09 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector edited Steps To Reproduce on T105165: Stuck inside a Cherno high-rise (Dubky).
May 11 2016, 2:09 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector added a comment to T104279: [Exp 0.50.125144] All servers dying after 2nd restart. Now all dead worldwide!.

Please fix this. Holiday weekend here in Canada and my favourite patch is unavailable.


May 11 2016, 1:36 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector edited Steps To Reproduce on T104276: Character not getting hungry..
May 11 2016, 1:36 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector added a comment to T103853: Improvised Leather Backpack + Mountain Backpack = invisible & endless bagspace..

Real to life inventory? So in real life you can carry 50 pounds of animal meat ontop of a guns and ammo store worth of clips not to mention food, utilities, first aid etc etc etc.

Let me agree to disagree.
Furthermore you cite no problems with the current system just that it isn't


Yea, your opinion is worth as much time / effort you put into it, complete lack of supporting facts does that.

May 11 2016, 1:21 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector edited Steps To Reproduce on T103853: Improvised Leather Backpack + Mountain Backpack = invisible & endless bagspace..
May 11 2016, 1:20 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector added a comment to T103771: Stuck at bottom of shipwreck with a broken leg..

Nothing to really look at Mr. Stewart. My character died long ago.

The problem is random leg breaks, although in this instance I earned that legbreak.

Been killed about 4 times by walking stairs at a casual pace.... NOT COOL.

May 11 2016, 1:18 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector edited Steps To Reproduce on T103771: Stuck at bottom of shipwreck with a broken leg..
May 11 2016, 1:18 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector added a comment to T103460: Am being damaged and or killed by running to quickly on stair-ways although I never go airborne..

Just lost Gorka/visor helmet, fully specced moisin, tons of other stuff (I bag stack) as well as perfect ttsko camo...


May 11 2016, 1:06 AM · DayZ
CaptainHector edited Steps To Reproduce on T103460: Am being damaged and or killed by running to quickly on stair-ways although I never go airborne..
May 11 2016, 1:06 AM · DayZ