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Character not getting hungry.
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I just noticed recently in experimental (.50) that my character wasn't losing his energize buff (light green).

For a couple days now I stopped eating food of any kind. No change in the buff. (although I am still thirsty at a regular rate).

For an hour I ran around very hard letting my character wheeze for breath and lost my light green hydration buff; and still energize LIGHT GREEN.

My character was hungry in the beginning, it was the same kind of "les stroud" style survival that I am used to (and love!). So I am a little sad I don't need food anymore, its like half the game has been taken out.
[I am currently running the rest of my food over to cherno/elektro for freshies, something to do.]

Photos below show before and after for about an hour without touching any food.
(although I did drink)


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

Havent tried, not sure how to.

Additional Information

Was on multiple different servers during the experimental blackout, wondering if that might have something to do with it.

Event Timeline

CaptainHector edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
CaptainHector set Category to Other.
CaptainHector set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
CaptainHector set Severity to None.
CaptainHector set Resolution to Open.
CaptainHector set Legacy ID to 1337760113.May 8 2016, 8:16 PM